Opening 100 Stash Boxes - Probabilities

Hello forum!
I opened 100 stash boxes and tracked all items (will expand to more boxes once I get more currency).
Blue - 690 / 1200 (57.3%)
Purple - 380 / 1200 (32.3%%)
Pink - 117 / 1200 (9.7%)
Red - 16 / 1200 (1.3%)
Yellow - 1 / 1200 (0.01%)

In total of 300 items I got:
-----------------1.11 Patch------------------------------
333 / 600 Blue (55.5%)
190 / 600 Purple (31.6%)
62 / 600 Pink (10.3%)
15 / 600 Red (2.5%)
0 / 600 Yellow (?)
-----------------1.10 Patch------------------------------
175 / 300 Blue Items (58.8%)
94 / 300 Purple (31.3%)
25 / 300 Pink (8.3%)
5 / 300 Red (1.6%)
1 / 300 Yellow (0.3%)

PandoraGamezz finding’s
Blue - 182/300 (60.7%)
Purple - 85/300 (28.3%)
Pink - 30/300 (10%)
Red - 2/300 (0.7%)
Yellow 0/300 (0%)

I got one Knife from the Red chest and no Bounty Skull from predator by the way.

I intend to test out damage etc from different weapons on different predators however this will take some times since it’s a lot to test.
I will make a seperate post and/or spreadsheet in the future.


Wow, thanks for the heads up. I LITERALLY just stacked 100,000 V just for field lockers in hopes of finally getting a trophy or something i cant already purchase with V. Been playing since beta have yet to get anything noteworthy

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In case you open your 200 cases, mind sending me the data or posting it here so we can expand on this?

i’m going to open 400 box when i’m level 150 XD

hmm, may need more than 100 loot boxes to get a better understanding of the possibility of each of the items. But we can try and expand on this

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I just had 100 boxes at the moment. I’m goign to expand as soon as I have another considerable amount.
Maybe we can pool together?

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Yeah sure, I currently building up mine

I recorded a 50 draw and I’m saving to 100000V

Very good data collection and post! I really appreciate it.

I am aware that some items are only aquired via the Field Lockers but here’s how I am “operating”:

1- I direct buy the skins/items I really want and will be doing it until I aquire all those I truly want
2 - Once I get all I really want, then I will spend them in the Field Lockers and try my luck for rare items

It might sound “dumb” for most of you, but at least for myself, I feel like I spent the Veritanium in stuff I wanted first of all, then whatsoever comes out of luck by opening the Field Lockers (even duplicates) is a “gain” in my mind :D

That’s what I did too. I spent like 50k V on the gear I wanted and now I use the rest for research purposes.


I usually open 100 crates every 2 days or so. No predator trophies. Waiting for a patch to fix it. Rolling dupes for an hour is not my idea of fun.


I missed this comment but, forsure i will record the data this 2nd go

@Herikles I’ve just done a 100 loot boxes opening and this it is what I got.

Blue - 182/300 (60.7%)
Purple - 85/300 (28.3%)
Pink - 30/300 (10%)
Red - 2/300 (0.7%)
Yellow 0/300 (0%)

So as you can see I got very unlucky with getting the really good items (red and yellow) but I tend to find that at certain times of the day I would get a higher chance to getting red (not sure about yellow) than other times. I started opening these at 8pm AEST, so i’m going to see if what the chances are if I open them at a different time of day.

I got 2 yellows in the first 100 lootboxes. I really don’t understand the drop rates

If you want this for your data I opened 234 crates and got 4 reds 0 yellows. Didnt count the blue or purple lol

Thanks! I’ll copy it into the main post if that’s fine?

I am nearly at 300k when I achieve this amount I am spend it all on crates and record my findings. Will buy lockers till i have no money even after the money from dups. Will record final number and everything.

I have 200 crates waiting. Hit me up, I could broadcast. Feel free to record drops.

PSN : yama8bigdog

Hey there! I’m on PC and the crossplay invites are broken it seems
I’d really appreciate it if you could do a counter yourself (i used however you could also stream over discord and I record it and do the maths etc

I think I got lucky, no trophies unfortunately but getting 2 mythics in one crate Is the luckiest I’ve been in this game.