Option to view predator

There should be an option to view your predator like this

it would be a great addition. Also it would be nice if there was an option to remove the mask because some predators like elder didn’t wear a mask


They didn’t wear a mask because they were on their space ship and not hunting.

It would be cool to have a no mask option, but that ties into my thread about having a Bio-Mask removal emote.

Bio-Mask Removal Emote

Not lore accurate for a pred to hunt without his mask - they don’t breath air that well, so they need the mask to simply kep them going. On this not - destroying preds mask should have stamina consequences for him… I’m a pred main… I don’t know why the fu** have I just sugested that…

We never saw elder with a mask till now so it should be an option

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It’s should still be an option

Go to my Bio-Mask thread. It coincides with what you’re saying. Upvote it, maybe if enough people like it, we’ll have the option to remove Predator’s Bio-Mask.

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Don’t forget about the predator viewer mode they should add that so we can get good screenshots like the one they released of elder predator

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When you’re changing armor shaders the mask is removed in that menu btw.

I’m aware but you should be able to view the whole predator to get good screenshots