Outriders Demo

Super Bummed about anthem 2.0. Still play Anthem to tbis day… Outsiders was ehh. I’m waiting till full release to see just how open world it really is against the rpg element. Trickster was super fun tho

I played the demo felt painfully generic, had a alot of creative set pieces and environments but combat was cover based shooting which I dislike, which is disappointing cause there was alot of things they did that had alot potential, it also felt VERY stiff, no jump buttom and alot of invisble walls where you would think you could go or just climb up too, overall not very impressed.

If EA was deciding if Anthem lived or died, it was very obvious what would happen.

It’s not open world. I don’t believe they ever claimed it to be either. I could be wrong.

I mean you don’t have to use the cover…

I don’t know why people are comparing this definitively against Anthem though…especially only it’s bad qualities. There is alot herevto appreciate. But I guess that is just me.

Its definitely gears with the aggressive cover gameplay but most people aren’t going to touch it again after one playthrough, similarly to Anthem. We know how much replay value repeating missions on bullet sponge difficulties has :/

The Division gets away with it because it’s open world with its season pass/bounty thing.

Im aware im not a huge fan of using cover in shooters.

Gimmick here is that its a cover shooter where you don’t use cover except against bosses and huge clusters of enemies on the highest difficulties.

You use about as much cover here as you do in Halo its just for waiting for shields/abilities to recharge

lol I only define it as a cover shooter when you’re playing pop goes the weasel waiting for AI to do their routine like The Division

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Ah that makes sense, I define a cover shooter when you have option to use cover, but your explanation makes a bit more sense.

I tried playing the demo and it froze on me.
Before I actually got to do anything.
Makes sad.

Figured square woulda made a good one.
But looter shooter is meh.

You dont like using cover?
That’s a huge part of shooters lol.

I never got to actually play it tho.
From what everyone said on here tho it seems to be a way more limited version of anthem so meh.

Standard corporate by-the-books looter shooter experience with drop in co-op.

Didn’t work with Marvel Avengers either and that atleast had brand recognition.

I are depression.

Damn i was really hoping it would be a good replacement for anthem since it died.
I really wish they wouldnt have killed off anthem.

The demo doesn’t have a time limit, its just the first chapter.

Not what I meant, i mean more like you cant fly or really explore.

I was hoping it would be a really good open world Mass effect type combat system.

But i guess it’s just a generic looter shooter.
I literally froze up right after you shoot the vr targets.

I might try it again but eh.

Ah yeah, it felt like a waste with all of the weird environments for it to not be open world.

The story was so boring. I skipped it all. I picked the Trickster class and pretty much got melted rushing melee, like I do in PHG.

You have to get to level 5 for the janky teleport then do the slash ability.
I have no idea why basic melee is so bad though. Gave me anthem flashbacks where if your combo didnt kill the thing you just ran into it with your shield for no reason & now just have to do your slow terrible default melee attacks. Pretty much every loot shooter except Destiny that has Halo assassinations now.

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