Outriders Demo

If you haven’t tried it give it a go.
It reminds me of a combination of Gears, Technomancer/Greedfall and Anthem (the good aspects).
Anyways hope y’all have a good day.


Sell this loot shooter thing to me in 3 sentences

Also wtf happened to anthem 2.0 is EA just axing it? RIP Bioware trying to sell a looty shooty skinner box with 10 missions


The technomancer? I love that game! I’ll try this game out then

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Anthem is pretty cool too

I think Anthem got cancelled

daaamn devs were touting around their rework that was supposed to revive it for like two years and it got axed?
I get shooters arent biowares area of expertise but they were trying and mustve hit a wall. Whole Anthem IPs probably dead now.

still not as screwed as Evolve 2.0. F2p will never save your game if core gameplay sucks. Evolve wasnt even a saturated market like Anthem is and the only thing that has failed harder than Evolve is Cyberpunk


There isn’t alot of info unfortunately about the fate of Anthem. For now we just gotta wait. Check out “Your Anthem” youtube channel. He is the most dedicated content creator for Anthem I know.

Haha it’s one of my favs I think you will find a lot of common elements. If I didn’t know any better I would have guessed Spiders would have helped develop Outriders.

Word of advice the first 15 or so minutes might discourage you but stick with it.

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Announcement was 3 days ago

Ya anthem 2.0 is cancelled :/

Damn I didn’t hear…that is a little heartbreaking but at the same time not. The core gameplay mechanics of the javelin abilities, flight and gunplay were dope as hell. They just needed more immersion/story elements and much more refined loot system and it could have really been something special. But it’s Ea/Bioware lol

Kinda expected as EA is the most savage dev partner to ever exist and cuts down companies left and right so they can move them onto the next project.
Pandemic, Dice, Maxis, Visceral

Yeah. It scares me because Respawn is company that deserves tons of respect but EA is gonna milk their shit dry.

One slip up and you’re off to the Mass Effect Andromeda 2 B-team slave mines to get a game released in a playable state in a single year

Rough shit. I’d hate to be an engineer under EA.

lol you work on listening to player feedback for 2 years to revamp the game and they just scrap all your work because it wasnt fast enough and now you have to go make shaders and mtx for a decade old star wars MMO, if you’re lucky you get Dragon Age

It was the best time for anthem 2.0 as any too, since Destiny 2 is literally just deleting and reselling content now

Swtor is a great game. I got the collection edition :3

Yeah. I suppose they assumed since Anthem burned so many people that only the most loyal would return for the revamp as nd thus not be profitable. Also why continue to remind people of one of their biggest development failures in gaming history.

I’m suprised it didnt get axed at its abysmal launch.
Wtf is with them and awful launches?

Just have to expect all EA games to be half finished lootbox schemes at launch and hope they fix them after the boycott. This is the norm now.

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Yeah but once the game became free to play it got so much fun to play.
And you can subscribe for one month and get all the DLC’S
Free to play players get the hut cartel Dlc for free which is I think the 2nd largest DLC in the game?

My only issue is how easy everything is to kill when you’re doing solo stuff

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Outriders demo or Gears of the Division of Destiny as I like to call it

Kidding but this looks like the same mistake Anthem just made. A story driven, world tier loot shooter where you just replay the same pve looter shooter missions skipping cutscenes. A single player game with number scaling and a tacked on drop in co-op component, basically.

Extremely formulaic and overdone right down to the hub you leave to go do quests, these are like the Battle Royales of shooters - play one and you’ve played them all.
I wonder what goes through developers heads when they’re like “lets make the same game that other company just made but with different abilities!”
I just want Lost Planet 4 tbh. We don’t talk about lost planet 3.