Paid DLC issue

Dear @IllFonic
Have you forgot about something?
I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this: where is our PAID DLC?! I want you to take my money for Christ sakes!



Thank god I didn’t pay for that lol, my thoughts are right with the ill state of this game.

Probably in about an hour or two hours time.

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It’s 7:11 am

10am is the usual time for new psn stuff.

Couldn’t give 2 hoots about the dlc lol I just want patch notes

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You’re curious what they’ll brake next?


Very XD

All I care is about new modes and maps…That’s all lol

Very much more concerned about the games playability and environment that any more toys to play with…

Fix the game, give us more variety in environments, then give us toys!


And for the love of God Almighty don’t brake anything in the process!


Its imposible in any game. If feature after fix will brake some key features or fixing of this issue cost too much time and money, issue will not fix

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11 am eastern

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Lets hope so

Would like to believe that but honestly I don’t. Hell this is one time I want a company to take my money and they are playin.

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11 am eastern is typically when the PSN store adds new content and is the normal time for updates to launch.

Samurai is on the store literally right now

EDIT: We are proven right, there is a new weapon in the pack as the samurai comes with early access to a new katana. So expect the sword for July.

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Bought it

Not on Epic yet.

Samurai Predator DLC is available on PS Store, it’s $4.99USD.

I just bought it, but it’s not active in game yet, there’s no 1.12 patch available nor does he show up in Customization menu.


Not on the PC app yet for me. Did you hack the mainframe?

Probably the patch is needed to access it

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