Paid DLC issue

And for the love of God Almighty don’t brake anything in the process!


Its imposible in any game. If feature after fix will brake some key features or fixing of this issue cost too much time and money, issue will not fix

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11 am eastern

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Lets hope so

Would like to believe that but honestly I don’t. Hell this is one time I want a company to take my money and they are playin.

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11 am eastern is typically when the PSN store adds new content and is the normal time for updates to launch.

Samurai is on the store literally right now

EDIT: We are proven right, there is a new weapon in the pack as the samurai comes with early access to a new katana. So expect the sword for July.

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Bought it

Not on Epic yet.

Samurai Predator DLC is available on PS Store, it’s $4.99USD.

I just bought it, but it’s not active in game yet, there’s no 1.12 patch available nor does he show up in Customization menu.


Not on the PC app yet for me. Did you hack the mainframe?

Probably the patch is needed to access it

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Not available on Epic yet :/


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PS4 players hacking… That’s a PC exclusive feature


For me it worked to buy the Samurai Predator on Epic store with that trick. Go into the Costumization for the Predator. Click on the Class select Button and than Samurai will show up in the list. Click on the Samurai Pred and it will ask to open the Epic Store to buy it. Just go for it and you can buy it there.

Just got him from Epic store, jumping in to test him out

He’s pretty sick and his weapon has heavy and light attack combos

It is in the store. Highlight your game on the os4 menu and scroll down and it will show overview, trending and friends communities etc the bottom one is PlayStation store select that and it will show the dlc for 3.99 uk

Don’t like the new pred - it looks to human in that armour. Not alien at all. Not my taste for preds. However - new hair style, custom colors for all warpaints, new awsome weapon with kenjutsu fighting style… it was worth every penny