Parrying the predator...

The defense to melee rush is the whole team mows him down. 2 people have the firepower to kill berserker before he can finish one of them off

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yeah thats fine, ur opinion mine is that its fine and a good mechanic to prevent melee spam…

I just want there to be a way to make melee viable, but not buff melee spam.

Parry needs to be in the game, but it should have either a 1-2 second cool down, or limited number of uses before the knife breaks. Say 5 total parries, that would be 20 for the whole FT.

Handheld, as in the Plasma Pistol?? I haven’t heard too many good things about it. Your Thoughts??

Wow. Have a look at this back and forth. It just happened. What timing. Hand held back plasma caster

Saying melee spam is like saying ft has bullet spam. It’s one of his 2 ways to attack. Completely shutting down one of his 2 ways to attack is um, stupid lol. A really really good way to shut down the blitz berserker is to shoot him down with your team like you do the rest of the predators. It works very well


i guess i’ll say here while i don’t have a strong opinion on parry as i know it’s a neccasarry mechanic i’d rather have an internal CD on it like once parry per 3 seconds per fireteam member so if one person gets the parry it’s the next guys turn puurely to prevent a support with hp up and an assualt rifle/LMG parrying you twice and then you died
but to the point here in my experiance currently the sword is the best pure melee weapon as it stands due to it’s dmg output if they miss a parry they take 63 dmg as as zerker that’s 3 mistakes and they lose i’ve wiped plenty of teams with it and one team was a 4 man squad who was using voice and was well coordinated albeit they weren’t using super meta weapons
the sword is fast enough to to it’s dmg quickly it’s only downside honestly is it’s tracking can be buggy sometimes and you have to walk inbetween sword swings instead of just mashing it like combistick does

also fossil LOL i had someone ask me about the pistol too moments ago and linked them to that thread.

Have you seen the scene where a half naked samurai parries and kills a Predator, in one of the movies? Yep, cause the game is based on the movies so parry won’t go away any time soon.

i actually do remember that and albeit these are just navy seals who i assume do not have japan’s indestructable nippon steel joking aside LOL

tbh i’m not even sure if the fireteam canonically know if predator exists at the start of the game
i think the last 3 tapes reference they might cause when OLF went down some of it’s employees were hired by stargazer which means if any members of the fireteam were from it then they do? but if not Zeus would have to tell them.

I also remember that yakuza also dying.

And I don’t think the FT knows what the Pred is. First spot of the game Zeus comments on there are things you don’t want to know about.

Yes I’ve seen that scene lol. He doesn’t stun the predator in place when the blades meet, also, I think we all agree that scene was stupid af lol

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After a few more days of playing Pred, I have changed my stance on the parry. I do think it’s fine and I do think it is a needed part of the game. It could be a little more fleshed out so it’s not just 2 players melee spamming. But there are ways for the pred to deal with it and I win basically all my melee fights now.

But the knife damage is still LOL-worthy

To fix parry make it cost stamina. When the Fire team player is exhausted he is then vulnerable. I think that would be fair. Its absurdly free as it is now. You are not timing it or doing anything impressive. You are mashing ‘v’. It undermines the effectiveness of the BIG BAD in the 1 v 4 scenario heavily. I’ve solo killed a Predator just with Parry/Melee/Parry/Melee. I get he probably could have backed off, but why should he have had to? He wasn’t being shot at, I was alone. That should never be a disadvantages scenario for the 1 in a 1 v 4. Take that scenario add 2 miniguns or whatever shooting at the predator whilst hes locked in that stupid animation. That’s not hard to set up for your team. For Predator players who are frustrated just know the counter play isn’t strong but it is there. Pick the Combistick, Bow, or hand held plasma gun, once you get stuck in that stupid animation back off and shoot. This will greatly reduce your dps because youll be firing alot slower then your melee, and you’ll probably be getting fired upon the whole time, but hey! At least you can bug out, and try to find a way around the Fireteams ability to kill you from a distance and deal with you up close! BALANCE! All jokes aside you can still win, but its definitely easier to win with fire team right now, and yes its because of parrying.

Yep, if the alien, unknown-to-humans metal Biomask can be busted with standard, human firearms then the knife breaking to a Predator’s also unknown-to-humans metal weaponry is fairly reasonable.

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They can’t parry a arrow, or a plasma charge, or a combi stick throw or a smart disk. Or a slam attack and cant parry when netted. Adapt to the hunt. If you’re going 1v1 against a knife. Whip out your plasma caster which EVERY Pred has on by default. And blast them in the face.

You are not alone in your frustration over this nonsens pal! Most of us feel the same, judgeing by what is being posted on this forum. In addition to “super knife” there also is the problem of frankenstein kill squad(unfair reinforcment mechanics) Predator camuflage thaht at distance rather than hiding him - lights him up like a christmas tree and GODZILLA FOOTSTEPS that render the usless camo obsolet anyway… so yes, totally feel your frustration pal.

Hoever keep in mind this is a 1V4 mp game - it needs to be balanced so nonsens like that will take place in one form or another. Its just unavoidable

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As stupid as that sounds - in this games univers its legit XD

So the sword and club are a waste of weapon slots, got it.

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