Patch 2.0 Part I

Well because a four man fireteam needs their hands held obviously! Duuuuuh!

Donā€™t get me wrong, I want FTs to be a challenge. I want hunts to be fun and challenging. Some hunts before 2.0 were boring and easy, so itā€™s nice to make things tougher. But the mad swing in balance is disconcerting. I played majority FT today and Predators were no problem. Think I lost in one game. And in that game Iā€™ve used the prey location ability, Iā€™ve been cloaked and crouched for better stealth, Iā€™ve apparently been very close to the FT based on the one guy that appeared. (Yeh the rest just have been muddied - they didnā€™t appear on my scopes). Then I got my mask one-shotted by an AMR hiding somewhere I couldnā€™t see, because my cool-down location ability gets to get beaten by mud, lost a heap of health to the first and second shot before I could bug out.

Great fun hunt for everyone involved there if my abilities donā€™t do squat and then I lose them with the mask to one round. I mean if youā€™re super-competitive and play just to win then cool, FT wins that game but if you want a proper hunt itā€™s unsatisfying all round

I love how because I called out his bullshit, and his narcissism I somehow only care about winning. Lmao no, I donā€™t just care about winning. Heā€™d like that though, because then he could pretend his little hill heā€™s dying on is moral high ground. It isnā€™t.

Fireteams down preds as quick as they can, and then teabag our corpses, but weā€™re expected to drag the match out as long as possible while dealing with the most vocal bunch of whinebabies in a gaming community Iā€™ve ever seen in a long while, AND we get the shittier wait time and no profit from it to boot. Thereā€™s literally no incentive to even play as predator other than itā€™s cool. But without us this game is a sub par fps in every way. You fucking fireteam players need us, yet you treat us like absolute trash and itā€™s honestly fucking despicable.

Hereā€™s a question: were your not so challenging hunts based on balance or a fts tactical intelligence? Thatā€™s where I think people are getting it wrong. I like a challenge too and I have plenty of challenging fireteams they just have tactical intelligence. How I see it most fireteams just complain because they arenā€™t winning, they go into games with randoms, donā€™t use their mics to communicate and they blame their failures on ā€˜imbalanceā€™.

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Youā€™re just even worse than I am then. I havenā€™t had a match as fireteam where we didnā€™t kill him at least 80% of the time.

I play both sides pretty regularly too. I just hate the fireteam side ALWAYS because frankly itā€™s boring, repetitive, and it makes me deal with PEOPLE. At least on predator side I have a chance BY MY DAMN SELF to kill people. Itā€™s sometimes felt hard. Itā€™s sometimes felt easy. Itā€™s never felt unearned.

Only a few times in the hundreds of hours Iā€™ve logged has a fireteam victory felt actually EARNED.


Honestly couldnā€™t say. Had some who micā€™d up and talked and I slaughtered them, had some who didnā€™t use mics and they absolutely pawned me

Normally predator can tell which teams are tactical and which ones are tactical and which ones are not. Donā€™t mud up, they split up quite a bit, if you claim one they heal up and go to the reinforcement radio sometimes one at a time.

Iā€™ve not encouraged many teams that donā€™t mud up. Even the dumbest Ft tend to mud up, stick reasonably close together. I rarely get games with people running off alone etc. I find I have to use my tactics to get them separated

Where as annoyingly when Iā€™m FT people always seem to run off on their own haha

A lot of fireteams Iā€™ve had were not tactical, and frankly thatā€™s where I think personally most of the whining comes from, either side has a chance to win or lose and donā€™t need their hands held to do it. This game is a pvp game and one side has to lose.

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Havenā€™t played the game in a few days. But will eventually try out the changes after the updates. My biggest issue is the increase in perk cost. I typically play support class with 50 cal and the 2xL. I know what I was using before perk wise will be probably be null now. But I am interested in seeing how the Yautja Bane damage buff will be.

Itā€™s a buff, pretty self explanatory and not needed considering there is 4 people in a fireteam XD

Fairly aware of that. Iā€™m speaking to how much of a buff did it receive. Not everyone in a FT runs it. I know I personally stopped running it because it seemed like it wasnā€™t doing much.

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Yes, in the first matches after the update, I won most matches also. But now, I guess the most of the Pred players adapted well. I win at 50//50. And by winning, im not saying we kill the Predator everytime, but that sometimes 1 or 2 member manage to escape.

All this new shit, if only my game wouldnt crash when trying to start a match

I liked the city hunter roar a lot more before you ā€œfixedā€ it.

What I donā€™t like is cowardly FT members still hiding in glitched locations where they are impervious to damage.

And if anyone reading this is one of those people: just uninstall the game, since you clearly suck at it anyway. Go play Minecraft or Animal Crossing.

I think city hunter roar can still be better

Its definitely unerving when you hear it, I like it but its too short for the roar animation.