Patch 2.11- City Hunter custom loadouts bugging out

On any custom Yautja class where I pick City Hunter, when I try to customize after exiting out of the menu, it gives me a “please wait, loading” Screen for several seconds, before kicking me out and basically locking that custom menu out to me, any time I try to go back into that class, it gives me the “Please Wait: Loading” screen, then boots me back to the slot selection.

This has locked me out of 3 different predator slots now, and prevents me from adjusting perks/equipment on said classes, this seems exclusive as an issue to City Hunter with the exception of my 11th custom character slot which has been locked to Male Zerker and refuses to take ANY customization.

This is on PC/EGS release.

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same here

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A mi me falla en todas las equipaciones de las personalizaciones, edito bien al personaje pero a la hora de armas se cambian todas por las preestablecidas.

This game is complete trash. Never ending bugs, and developers that don’t give a shit about any of it. I used to love this game now I am 100% convinced that it’s trash

Yup no city just loading…

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What weapons are you using?
My last post in bugs tells you not to use Dutch 87 with GOSL or else this will happen too.

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Having the same issue on PS4 with one of my City Hunter loadouts. I have two, the first one is fine and I can customise it but the other won’t let me back into customisation menu.

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I have the same problem the inscription appears constantly “Please Wait: Loading”. How can this be fixed?

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Good question actually:
1st ch class that’s locked loadout: Smart disk, Combi, Wrist Launcher, med kit, Motion sensors.
2nd ch slot: Netgun, Sickle, same gear as prior [maybe it’s a problem with wrist launcher?]

my busted Zerker slot which has had problems with customization doing anything prior to this patch, and now is locked out has: Netgun, elder sword, Medkit, decoy.

So not exactly sure what’s causing the issue.

Wrist Launch is built withit, so you can’t remove it. I have been using combi-stick and netgun in that exact order so its not that. Motion sensor could be it as I never use them. MEdkit is still used for me.

Any helmets you are using with it that isnt the original? I doubt its that but I’ve used the traditional and Alpha pred and that seems ok.

Nope, nothing different than the norm.