Patch 3.1 Audio Issues Persist


Audio still screwed for me.
More so than with the last patch
Pred roars on chatwheel still wrong. At least for Feral and Scar (cba to check the rest)

Fireteam are mostly mute and spotting Preds to alert the Fireteam doesn’t trigger VO or situational dialogue

Face 1 and 3 work a little better than Face 2 and 4 (as before) which is super random

Essentially Face 1 and 3 spot and the chatwheel responds appropriately and situationally with VO in both private and quick matches, but eventually the spot and right hand side VO stops working after a few minutes - typically after the first firefight or some mission dialogue

Face 2 and 4 remain consistently mute.

When we default to Fireteam for most quick matches, it’s important to get this part right

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Missing plasma caster charging sound. (at least EGS, Steam and very low volume on ps5)
Enter the match -> choose shoulder cannon -> hold (aim+)fire button until it shoots = no charging sound

Weapon, gear and cloak sounds lagging behind Predator’s walking and running. (all plarforms)
Enter the match -> hold run left or right (shift+direction) -> change weapons, gears, cloak, step into the water = sound will be behind the predator

Layering of overloaded energy sound. (at least EGS)
Enter the match -> overload energy with plasma caster shots or step on mine -> press cloak button multiple times = multiple overload sounds is layering on top of each other.

I would generally like to suggest replacing this long, awkward sound with a short warning “beep-beep”.

No sound of a bow shot. (on some console and choppy sfx on Steam)
Enter the match -> Make quick or charged shots from a bow = no whipping sound of the bowstring being released, only the whistle of the arrows.


Well, at least this is not a common problem, thank God everything is fine with this. Did you dig into the sound settings? Or check for files on Steam, maybe some are corrupted

I have exactly the same problem and it is common, my friends also do not have the sound of the predator plasma gun charging, my friends and I have the game on EpicGames.

La solución provisoria es poner la configuración de idiomas de la consola y en el caso de PC es en ingles USA nativo y tendría que estar corregido.