Patch Notes 2.05

So in this new update anyone who queues in to play the hunt game mode is randomly chosen to play as fire team or predator??
can anyone please explain Im really confused

That’s the problem

That aint asymmetrical game XD


Well to some extent its 50 50 now asymmetrical cause of the “HUNT” mode that is currently in the game… but clash made it less asymmetrical than it is now.


Yeah its dumb but it’s not bad xD

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Can we please get an official statement whether or not a ps4 pro patch is in consideration; I can’t be the only one who would like it

@OldKingHamlet. @Courier

Nope, PC.

I will give illfonic that, the did a good job for HUNT mode… but bad part was them adding CLASH which only new players who didn’t watch predator probably or only 2018 movie which is in no way comparable to what predator can do or what it is.

Predator 2018 movie focuses more about humanity handling predators coming to earth, taking humans, hunting humans, and at the end they plan to take over the planet…

I mean eh it depend from person to person but the main thing is… MOST of predator player base is interested in only HUNT like modes preferably hunting in predator packs of 3.


You’re out of your mind. New mode sucks.


An angry joe gif would have been very appropriate


I’m disappointed in the new mode if I wanted just a straight team death match I would stay on call of duty y’all cut the predator out until the last min I waited all this time for that sm


Cmon now, some people actually like the new mode lmfao…

I mean the only thing that is actually true is… majority of player base would have wanted a better variation of hunt mode… so u can hunt in packs and hunt more people… sort of predators 2010 vibes :P


how you think its bad is past me my guy… its the most fun i had on this game since the game was released.


Oh my fucking god, I’m gonna have a stroke.
I just crashed five seconds into my first match of the new mode.
That’s the third crash today, since the patch, everything was working fine before it, I played yesterday.
What the hell is wrong with you guys?

Just tried it, its total BS. Bad clone of COD


Weird… thats what was happening to us on playstation for about 2 months or so

What fun?
It’s a cheap rip off of every cod/ fps.

It’s not fun.

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He’s just super baked… I’m as well but the fun already left…

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I’m losing brain cells trying to deal with Ilfonic.

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Okay guys… lead designer just confirmed they actually aimed for PVP lmfao… and that its not PVPE…

This just proves my point that i made few months back about this game striving away from being an actual asymmetrical game… aka PVPE instead of PVP

But then again… its good they have at least a one variation for the game in case someone wants to actually play PVP lol… but then again its not what this game was advertised as on epic games.

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Same. I’m enjoying clash far more than I ever did hunt. Hunt is just so boring now and such an unbalanced mess. Clash is way more fun and hectic.

Yoooou guys are the problem then with why this games gone downhill xD.