Patch Notes 2.05

What can I say, it’s a breathe of fresh air. And playing as pred on clash imo is way more fun than playing pred in hunt. Maybe I’ll play more of the mode and uncover some glaring problems. But as of right now I am enjoying it a ton. Except for the horrible frame drops. That’s not fun.


Worse drops than hunt?

Count me out

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Yep definitely. It makes Hunt’s frames look good lol. One of the things that’s making the mode not as enjoyable as it could be.

I get the chaos is fun…but you dont even get vertanium and cant claim skulls as predator…like there is literally no point in the mode besides some XP

If i wanted to play brainless TDM I’d go straight to cod and turn off my brain… this should habe been 2v8 or at least 3v10 so you can get into a party with predator friends amd hunt ft down with tactics and skills. 9ne sets trap while one charges plasma caster and one waiting to claim the kill… then you could actually do long claims to bait the eager ft members to one predator and net gun 2 ft since 2 preds will be watching the thirds back… it would be beautiful…

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Fire Gaunlet is still coming, Im not exactly thrilled but not going to dog on unless theres some glaring problems with it, if this was the only new mode we got then yeah Id be pissed but they still have more to come.


I mean I get it. I much would’ve preferred a 3v12 mode. But honestly for what we got, I personally really like it. I like that it’s just a bit of dumb fun. It’s a nice break from hunt where you can just mess about trying out new things.

so somehow cod owns the rights to the idea of FPS pvp game? how is it wrong that they use the idea? thats like saying Fortnite is trash because its a br , or saying hunt show down is shitty because its a br game…

Some of this balance is wack why are you nerfing beserkers melee resistance from ft? Why are you increasing Scouts stamina regen while he melee? He’s meant to be the ranged character. This games making me sad rn new mode isn’t even that great :(

Pred is in the mode

Yea i get you man…just really bummed out is all…i was waiting for this to real me back in it tugges me like an inch and then left me on the side… I’m glad someone is enjoying it…i personally bought this game just to play predator…was hoping for offline challenges like F13 but with predator or at least a concrete jungle clone or something along those lines…but this game is the only thing to scratch that itch since i can’t play those older game

so when are we going to get another pred skin. on the roadmap it shows the 2010 beserker for last month / this month but never got it. also you should created a roadmap tab on website and not just have to google the roadmap or just scroll down patch notes

I get that but I’ve had new glitches in hunt.
So far only 1 successful match.

Its ridiculous.
Quality is the main issues now.
Quality as in performance.

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Well i’m being respectful here… Its not my type of soup this new game mode… buuut the map they nailed it… however i would like to see other map environments such as snowy map, rainy too would be a challenge really cause rain washes the mud, and rain also messes up the cloak if the cloak is being active for too long that is…

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Sammy. Read closely.
The key word bro, is cheap.

A cheap knock off.
It’s not well executed.
That is the main problem.

I dont know about on pc, but on ps4 is it way to damn choppy and janky.
So how is that fun?

Not only that the mode itself isnt anything special.
I’m not arguing this with ppl.
It’s not good.

If it was better implement and executed I would be like, I just dont like it.

But that isnt it.
It’s not just about my taste here.
It’s not good.

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Its still yanky on PC but a bit of improvement… my pc still is acting as a heater but its almost winter so i dont mind (jk ofc i want my pc to run 50c)

The CPU is still around 15-20% usage while poor gpu is at 97-99% and has 88celsius at half fans… and also on max fans its 64-67

This ridiculous virus has caused the cowards at Disney to push back release till 2022! I have however finished 95% of live action filming for Avatar 3!!! So I’m way ahead of schedule.


They improved predkour by a lot…

Cloak by a bit still needs perfection for textures that is being transparent when u move or crouch slowly.

DMG is i think better now… its in between patch 2.0 and before that patch… so its semi back to normal which is i guess more equel now, the pig system actually works lol but is honestly broken as i had 8 pigs spawn on me…

One group behind and one infront… and then 2 more randomly on map…

I mean im fine with heals but i think group of 2 or 3 pigs should spawn… and not like this almost instantly… i mean i guess its fine… so far the glance is…

I think predator is now fine and u can actually put fear in people heads kinds.

Yeah quality is a little better but not by much, haven’t experienced crashes but there is no locked framerate.

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Even less predator in my predator hunting grounds game. The geniuses at illfonic strike again.

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Imo they fixed the mechanics by like 40-60%

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