Patch Notes 2.05

The Predator player is Predator till their death. Then the meter will start refilling and pick another person on the team. Unless the Predator player that gets the promotion is an unstoppable killing god who doesn’t die at all, most to all the players will likely get to play as the Predator.

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I for one am very much excited for this new mode and unironically love these Patch notes. Crashes were fixed, Predators got love that so many so called “Pred Mains” whined for, even getting Class Reworks, and yet people still wanna cry because, idk, cherry picking?

You dun good Illfonic, you don good.


Patch notes seem good, mode sounds lame, hopefully map is cool



lol that’s weird. I’ll check my public build of the game, but in my test build, the default keybinding of Q worked without problem (In fact surprised me with a Predator promotion once as I wasn’t paying attention and wanted to use the weapon select wheel)

***update: Key bindings propagated just fine on my public build. I’ll still log this as a bug but it may be a challenge to replicate this.



W T F…

seriously Illfonic…


can I join? I too am a fellow samurai


<3 love u

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Hey look I would absolutely love that 😝 maybe another time tho, my little one would be mortified while my 8 yr old would be nagging my arm off to play 😅

Sounds great so far 👊

Tho keep that multi Pred vs FT Idea in mind. I’d sell all three of my kids for that Lmao

But of Course! All Warriors are Welcome!! VENN has a Samurai Sunday thread in the forum where we get together every Sunday and show off our Samurai JOIN US EPIC!! 😎👍

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This is the unofficial song for the new map

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with pleasure. I’ve been playing this bastard since his launch, even when I should be playing a better class

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So both teams get the chance to be Pred so it can be 1 pred and 3 ft VS 1 pred and 3 FT?

Any plans to implement an aim assist for Console players, in the future?

Some changes are good some less. I like the pigs change. I dont like the.melee buff to pred. You said you wanted to make pred more range based, so why buff melee? Buff range guys.


yeah, if you want to keep this game alive, my recommendation is an update before Halloween with new Halloween themed skins and such and maybe one of those new predators you’ve been working on, or a new map. Do it soon though, people are pissed

Bitch, be grateful. You can still play hunt

I want to be a power ranger!

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Pred v Pred sounds badass

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