Patch Notes 2.05

I’m disappointed it’s not like a 3v10

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Yes. It can be kinda crazy at times tbh.


Call Of Duty Jungle Edition.

All this time waiting and we get FT 4v4. All the great ideas about 8 FT against 2 preds or 4v4v2 and we are basically getting worse Call of duty?

James Cameron is disappointed but not surprised.

Everything else sounds good but the new mode lacks any imagination and still no pred teamups.


Get on and find out!
Queue up and maybe we’ll be in the same match :)

The entire player base is. The devs are fuckbois who only play this game once a update so they have no idea what this game really needs


Oh you Fuckin Know It!!! 👍😎 Samurai Sunday is gonna be Killer! 😜

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Yep. You stay on your team as a Predator, and fight to take the other team down. And often when you have a Predator, they have a Predator too, so it makes for some crazy fights.


so if now half of players will play new mode, queue time for old mode will be 2x longer ? And the chance for becoming predator in new mode is 1/4 so, basically every 4th game you will probably play a predator part time in round… - Sounds like much less predator playtime overall. Hope i’m wrong!!

How does one “accept” to be predator? what keybind on keyboard do i press XD

At least we’re closer to Pred vs Pred

4 preds vs 4 preds would have been so much better

You pick it up and smash it over ur pc

sad to see the Elder is gonna be a Geezer

happy to see that samurai is gonna get a bit better

Alpha Predator

  • Reduced energy.
  • Reduced health.
  • Increased stamina.
  • Increased melee damage.
  • Increased perk points.
  • Increased speed.

I just don’t get it, what was wrong with it in the 1st place? lol
Also, reduce the health and increase the melee damage?
Who in their right mind would rush to melee at any FT member now, considering the dmg output they do?
Not to mention having lower HP than Hunter, below 3 bars, it’s a straight RIP.
Alpha was fine as it was, this is just dumb.




It’s a stuttering mess, poor man’s call of duty. I’m dissapointed ain’t gonna lie and the game I just had finished in 7 minutes not 15

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Oh thank you! This should stop PC FT from exploiting low graphics I hope. Good one Illfonic!

You do know you are not makeing COD here? Who asked for this?! We all wanted 3 preds against 2 fire teams? Bad one Illfonic, very bad…


Mine is still downloading, so please tell me - when some one actually gets to be pred… is he sopose to go against all the rest that remains?!

No he is still part of the team, if he dies you fill the meter up again and someone else becomes a pred on your team, but if the pred stays alive nobody else gets to become one. It’s a mess

image Bruh really
