Patch Notes 2.08

Sweet God…

Don’t mess with the amphibious dutch. Ha. Honestly, I don’t think it will be that game breaking, it’s not like all the maps have water to stand in all game. I suspect it will be used mostly by recons trying to hide.

Although, I suppose some of the reinforcement areas near water, that would be pretty broken.

Bro they didn’t even fix the bugs like auto wrist blades, invisible FT’s, infinite lobby waiting times, etc. But here’s another useless Predator for “you” to buy.
I mean, at this point, it’s laughable.
Also more buffs to FT 😆 I don’t complain since I play mostly FT, but they didn’t need more buffs that’s for sure.

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The battle axe doesn’t make sound when it’s selected

They actually need to give it a try - I’m almost sure they have no clue how it is on the other side of the rifle.


This game was going down hill since the last patch, now its falling on its fucking face


Yeah the game still heavily unbalanced & whenever they say they fixed the crashing they didn’t. There is always something that is cause the game to crash.


Are you sure it wasn’t fixed, and maybe unlisted?

I think so too and 8GB update for what really? There’s no new content to add like maps etc. Seems to me like they don’t even know how to optimize file sizes.

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Illfonic, make the game balanced & add some real content. SKINS IS NOT CONTENT. CITY MAP is what we have been requesting forever now, you can make it wokr maybe make some in door missions while the predator has to hunt from street to street, building to building with civilians that walk around for some added immersion. Give us what we ask for not we you think we are asking for.


With only a half a clip from an assault rifle,
The assault class can sw a pred cause they get 3 damage buffs.

Bullet damage, bane, and the new perk.
Its beyond fucking stupid.

This shit has been in ft favor for the majority of the games life time, now it’s the point where it’s just completely fucking broken.

There is literally no point in playing predator.
Melee was fucked before now you cant even let the ft see you. At all.

Or youl get slowed, or take all kinds of bullsgit damage.
Then in top of that, theres a million ways to get healed on ft.

This is fucking stupid.
There is literally no balance in this game anymore.

Ilfonic doesn’t know how to make a smooth running game, nor do they know how to make balanced game either.

Who ever cant see that is beyond fucking blind and stupid.


They don’t, I’ve opend theyr pak archive and the mess that thing is sitting on is outrageing.

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Hoolyyy shit. You guys done screwed your Predator playerbase with this one. Premade teams are nigh unbeatable now.

Why? Who told you this was a good idea? Was it the whiney crybabies that played one match, got owned, then bitched and moaned on the forums?

Honestly, are y’all actively trying to force your players to stop playing? You didn’t even fix some more urgent bugs with the game, such as the bow/wristblade issue, the Combi-stick exploit, invisible Fireteam members, map exploits, etc.

I’m sorry. guys, but you fucked up big time.


Before too much negativity rolls in, I just want to say that the Viking mask is truly on point. Also, the changes to fire team, especially adding specializations, was a good move for the life of the game.

One more thing, I would get a team together as quickly as possible to add specializations to the predator classes. That would help even the playing field between predator versus fire team, and add more variation to the play styles available.


Predator specializations would greatly help the Predator balance in this mess!


@Courier Maybe give everyone the weapon for free & have the predator itself be paid dlc so you know it’s not pay to win & do this with every DLC from now.

I believe you bro. At this point I can only laugh at this “update”. 😆


Haven’t tested an Assault yet, I will next. There’s definitely a pre-made build that will be both the meta and a problem but I play random’s. Pre-made’s aren’t enough of a reason to not add mechanics. They’re going to keep being a problem till we have a mode that takes skill and team play into account.


Wow great work @IllFonic can’t wait to play

Lol dam yet someone gets banned for calling them chimpanzees lol.