Patch Notes 2.14

Feild medic is broken.
I think I’ve ran into you not too long ago, after 2.1 update.

You just suck. So shh.

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Don’t you know? Pred’s OP.

I know you’re a degenerate lol.

Fight me bitch, big head mode only.



Oh, its on now.
Cant wait for my team to see this.

P.S Our Little Yautja loves the Big Head mode. 👍

That’s sadly true, iv been 150 for a couple of weeks after it was raised :(

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Weee uuuuoo
Weee uuuooo

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Nevermind, disregard my previous comment.

The valkyrie predator is cool and the hammer is okay.

Kinda with School boy on this one.

Nerf uncharged bow shot a little and nerf the radius of the PC in open environment. That’s all really

Saying that doesn’t make it so.
Honestly, a few predator items could use a nerf:

  1. Plasma caster splash damage radius
  2. Eder sword overall damage
  3. Alpha sickle first hit damage
  4. Yautja Bow uncharged damage
  5. Add stamina consumption to standard jump
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Hell no.
It does decent damage, it matches ft dps.
And the splash damage is fine.


Att least they are upping the “armor” again to help alleviate the Fireteam DPS, but I still feel that the Sawz50 is too strong and is the main weapon causing imbalance with top tier gameplay.

No me saying it doesnt make it true, simply cause I’m saying it.
But just cause y ou sure saying it don’t make it true either.

Looking at it and trying to actually balance the game tho, no bow doesn’t need a nerf, jump doesn’t need stamina cause that would just get preds killed for no reason.

And the splash damage is fine, given how low the damage is.

Btw, no there is no better armor.
Just tested it.

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So the armor improvement is once again non existing?



This is my shocked face

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What is up with this “armor” thing? Why can’t they just be open and specific about what they’re changing?


Havent played for months , I tryed the new customization options for private and I had so much fun. After losing the hope for this game , now I think I can stick more with it and have fun with my friends in our server. For me it’s a very good update, you finally give us the possibility to balance the game for ourselves , as I suggested long time ago. Great one! 🙂


Hey @OldKingHamlet, @Courier

Can you guys define “armor” for us in this context?