Patch Notes 2.19

The new map is cool. Hope to see the Shuriken of Avp 2010 in this game one day :)

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Dude the smart disc buff was a masterpiece. Now I don’t gotta worry about getting it stick in a tree.




Well these predator specializations are going to be annoying.
Well fireteam get ready for all the trash talk, teabagging and all the new rage from the new stuff.
sigh oh boi…

Yeah I see alot of rage in-game and out.

I’m raging because I can’t fucking play the Goddamn game because everything’s grayed out. Been like this since 2.19 patch was downloaded.

I posted about it here, on @IllFonic Twitter and Facebook with no fucking response from anyone. Wtf 🤬

@OldKingHamlet @Courier

Thanks. Identified and reported to QA

Sorry, but at least it is a free thing :p

Let me look into this. What happens if you give your console a full shutdown then launch the console and game again?


That’s the mastermind of QA and the programmers. They really got it to a good point. I also really like the specializations work they did, as there’s a lot of community input (Directly and indirectly) into those as well.


You guys did good. Really good update.

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Alongside the disc - those are the BEST additions in this update - thanks!
Weekend won’t be enough to properly test them all out XDDDDD

So far I’ve tried shutting down Game, Restarting Console, Test Internet Connection — nothing seems to work.

I was in a party with a friend talking to him and was connected to PSN.

I shut console down again for over an hour and am currently in-game with same results.

Uninstall and reinstall the game?

Well you guys did good. You brought some life into predator definitely. Now escaping as FT will feel like an accomplishment.

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I just got a wild idea: Maybe the game is working fine, but the data isn’t getting over in a way that makes it think it can start matchmaking. Could you power down your router for a minute, and power it back up? I’m wondering if it’s blocking some of the inbound UDP packets. This is something I’d like to check so I can spin up with QA.

Can I have my refund for Valkyrie, this is definitely not what I paid for

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Sorry, no-can-do internet cannot be cut-off because of people working remotely and file renders/transfers.

No. Unless you MUST HAVE IT TODAY, which I don’t recommend, the masks and warpaints are only for a little bit through the DLC pack, and will become part of field lockers and purchasable with Veritanium later on.

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OK. I’ll dig into what I can, but firewall malfeasance could easily cause something like this.

Thanks. Verified and ticket is in.