Patch Notes 2.19

Idk fam i want him to have at least “cosmetic” like specializations with one big specialization backing him up.

idk if that makes sense lol but like… lets say you get to see mudded fireteam with target isolation BUT you also get like other shit like less clicking, idk

I agree, I’m definitely seeing a few things I think your overlooking though.

Nova better mean melon or I’m boycotting though

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I thought you couldn’t update because of the law suit ?

The same thing I thought when I saw it, I hope for the date being some kind of a placeholder or there’s better be something big happening in December other than Christmas lol.

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I’m hoping it doesn’t mean that’s when the next patch is otherwise this game is kapoop if that’s the case.

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No one ever said that

Aww, non-transferable? :(
Guess I still need the Epic Games launcher installed for now.



Why isn’t disciplined an option for all pred classes? That’s by far the best one 🤨


I’m just letting you know is all.

i want my mr black mask smh…


I’m confused how you got to this month. Historically we’ve released early access when a future content wave would drop.

From the Sony blog, which should help:


uh huh… i see now

predators 2010 game mode coming i see


I looked at it on the PlayStation store and it said the masks will be available to all via gameplay December 2021. I guess that’s a mistake then? If so thank goodness cause that’s a very long wait for some masks. Says it right at the bottom.


Es rentable comprar el dlc de abril?
Te dan los otros dlc y un acceso anticipado, nada mas, yo ya compre los otros dlc estaría pagando 2 veces por lo mismo…

Is it profitable to buy the april dlc?
They give you the other dlc and early access, nothing more, I already bought the other dlc I would be paying 2 times for the same …

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True they need to make it so you can buy either masks or either the dlc bundle…

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“by December 2021” as in up until, not “in December 2021”. But that’s my understanding. Unfortunately I don’t get to play with hard dates.


It’s beautiful 🍉

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I was hoping that you guys would do the Dutch mask, i called it

Ah I see. Makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up 👍