Patch Notes 2.22

I think the newer maps are definitely getting better. So kudos there

Its usually always safe to assume i am being sarcastic, mate .

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so you didint fix the loadout bug ? ā€¦

Atleast itā€™s a movie character for once

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Mr Black couldā€™ve been the new unlockable at lvl 200. But why add a whole new character when you can just add 10 2 minute long mp3 files.

I love you šŸ˜˜

Gotta give props where itā€™s due. Idk about bugs yet but u guys did a great job with the new map. Looks amazing. But these new owlf tapes are there on the new maps exclusively, or do we automatically get em like Dutch tapes? @OldKingHamlet @Courier

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Is there any chance at all you tell us if this sniper does more or less damage than the Bolt action or do we gotta just go test this ourselves

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Less damage. Itā€™s very similar to the 7en, but with bullet projectile about 300 m/s.


Come on did you really ask that question of them? Now get back to the lab and test this out for our enjoyment.


Like why are we just getting duplicate weapons lol

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Did you fix any major bugs? The katana is still stacking damage by alternating heavy and light attacks and more and more predators are gravitating towards exploiting that.

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It will play differently. Canā€™t use at point blank because youā€™ll damage your self and projectile time will make long range shots more difficult.

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Hasnā€™t that always been a thing?

Waitā€¦. Why would you damage yourself? Itā€™s a sniper rifleā€¦ did they make it some explosive nonsenseā€¦

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Annnnnd I hate this patch nice job fuckin making ANOTHER shit DLC. Her gun is JUST A FUCKING SNIPER RIFLE WATCH THE MOVIE

Possibly, but probably not. It definitely seems unintentional.

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This isnā€™t Predators the game

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Itā€™s not her gun from the movie. This is her after escaping the planet and joining the OWLF.

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