Patch Notes 2.23

like i said, only played once, 10 minutes shoulder cannon, i wanna play, thats not a game. best pred is kid scoutz, and there are some quite good, but spammers is players with no skill…

The reason for that is fireteams immense and overwhelming DPS. Against good players melee is useless and borderline suicide. Bow is iffy, disc is hard to master.
Plasma “spamming” is easy to counter with a sniper rifle or just pushing objectives. Good effective use of the plasma is just that, good and effective.

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Disk is unreliable at best due to bugs and hit boxes. And against a sound team, mostly useless.

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not really, sniper is useless, u need to cut every branch and if he has the mask perk u neeed 14!!! head shot to get the mask off. they should give preds more health and return the overload for the cannon

I’m actually improving a great deal with it. On PC especially I’ll probably start maining it. Console is a little trickier so no probably not against a good team but definitely liking it more

Cannon does overload and very rarely do people run the protection perk. Plus Isabelle’s sniper goes through branches. Not exactly the 3 hit as the SAWZ but it gets the job done. Hell I’ve done it with the GOS-L and 4x scope.

it used to after a couple shots so people could not spam it. now u can shoot up to 14 times and more. if u get shot twice u lose more than 160 health. ok kill 1 with the shoulder, but all 4 even the last one? go play a shooting game then… i play as the pred and u must be patient, take your time and get one by one, not shooting from 150m away…

I don’t know what more to tell you. Is plasma spamming annoying? Yes, but it’s also easily beatable. I told you how I do it.

Three minute missions have entered the chat 😅😞

illfonic hasnt done a good job with that. 3 min missions is a joke. at best it should be 5 min minimum, especially on backwater

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Pretty sure the caster uncharged doesn’t do 80 points of damage and if they’re firing off 14 shots and no one punishes that pred then they deserve getting downed.

What the fuck is wrong with you, did youhave a stroke?

What exactly are you bitching about?

So it’s ok for the ft to non stop shoot, but if the pred does it, it’s a problem?
Hypocrisy at its finest.

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I completely skimmed past that and I guess for good reason it nearly had me convinced I was dyslexic.


1st ft has limited ammo and health, while pred has unlimited pigs and non stop shoulder cannon.
2nd pred has tree protection, u need to shoot the whole tree down to get hits and by then a smart pred moves to the next branch
3rd shooting for the whole game the shoulder cannon shows the skill of the pred. takes no skill to do it. if u enjoy a 10 minute spam of the cannon where is the fun of it? i really dont get how preds that only play like that enjoy the game

we need more levels or that the xp is veritaniu

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I think a lot of this could be solved by what you pointed out earlier: longer missions. More time to think and wear the team down. More time for strategy. As it stands now, time is so limited you gotta keep constant pressure. I do think this lends itself more towards the pew pew.

Do you enjoy only using guns?

Theres still hypocrisy there.
It’s ok for ft to shoot, but because pred has a self recharging battery, it’s a problem.

No, its not unlimited pigs.
I will literally get matches where I get no fkn pigs.
So that varies.

And fk I like megaman.
Charging shots are fun.

You have no argument.
You’re wrong man.