Patch Notes 2.25

That’s because they’re clearly incapable of doing basic pathfinding never mind actual AI programming.

They’ve somehow managed to make even worse bots than what we already had.

By the way, Illfonic. Thanks for placing the edit post button next to the delete post button. What a shit forum layout. No confirmation prompt either. Your web design skills are impressive as your game design ones.


Looks pretty good. Might check it out later

Yeah that part sucks

Fucking hilarious how bad they are. Can’t even be assed to add real content. Just a reskin. Total slap in the face.


Just blows my mind two months and this is it… fucking LAZYYYYYYYY

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So the new disc is the same disc? That sucks. I knew it was gonna be a re skin

Should have made it a new ability like instead of melee attack (R2) it flies around the pred and hits Ai and fireteam 1 time that get close. Idk that sounds dope to me

Just a friendly reminder.
Shut up you bought the mask pack.


Lol sorry man I couldn’t resist.


I accept my faults… was hoping my hard earned cash would go to something greater. But als illfonic disappoints as always.

@OldKingHamlet @Courier you either need to step away from this ip and give it to a team that cares. Or you or whoever need to be let go and find some actual talent besides your art team…



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Did you add bots because Aliens FT had them at Launch? Did you make the predator 10,000 years old because you didint think about it? Or because you genuinely thought that made sense?

So many questions so little time


They are doing nothing for the fans. Why are our DLC random made up cosplay predators? Because predator is a film franchise… so the fans, are fans because of the films… so why aren’t we getting the characters from the films?? Like wat. We should have already BEEN had all the super predators


Speak my friend speak LOUDER.!! Facts!


It’s a shame we have people defending this nonsense still. Predator is such an easy franchise to nail. Like hey guys, you have numerous films of content to work with and sell. Instead we got there nonsense

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2 months,… two whole months and nothings changed other than playing dress up… disappointing

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Yeah see this is funny because the new movie is gonna recon this haha.


illfonic is a circus 🎪. 🤡 📯

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Which is hilarious to me lol

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Do I need to dust off wig and nose?

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Remember last year when we
@DisturbedLlama and others started talking about how this game was giving off bad juju and so many people called us crazy and ungrateful assholes? Now they’re the crazy ungrateful assholes and we’re just the guys laughing at all the clowns jumping out of the dumpster fire they once so viciously defended.


now I wonder wait the next game mode is