Patch Notes 2.42

Been noticing that a minute during the match as a predator in my ps4, I always get disconnected. Anyone else experience the same?

delete save data

You’re joking

all your crap will be saved

its stored in illfonic servers

but youll have to remake all of your loadouts

It didn’t work

Alright, waited till I got home from vacation to get into the game and see what this “update” was all about. This is probably gonna be as long as a chapter book and is intended as feedback for IllFonic, because we all know that they always “ingest” the feedback we give them, so if you don’t wanna read it then stop now. I doubt anyone from IllFonic will anyway…sorry…its just hard not to get worked up typing this shit with how “plentiful” this update was and how we’ve all been waiting so long for something to happen to this game.

Update Review:

The only good thing to come to this update was the paid DLC that we got, the “Bionic” Predator which was leaked as “Cyborg” months back, with even the in-game description matching the description in the leak. This further proves that the leak is the upcoming DLC schedule for the Predators.

The character model was done by a freelancer contracted by IllFonic and to my surprise it looks pretty damn good. It’s probably the first DLC Predator we have gotten in awhile that actually looks like someone took their time for the most part since the Wolf Predator DLC. It has sick looking prosthetic limbs with a wicked looking single wrist blade, a cool netting pattern on the torso, and even a unique head model as well. The head model looks like the default hunter if you were to age him by a couple hundred years and give him a terminator-like prosthetic right eye with a metal gash slightly appearing on the head crest, its honestly a breath of fresh air from the default Predator head that we’ve constantly seen on all of the non-movie DLC Predators. However the trade off with the unique head model is that parts of it clip through most of the masks you can equip, with the exceptions being the much bulkier ones like the Emissary, Tank, and Bone mask. The head even slightly clips through the intended mask that came with the predator, which I hope gets fixed as soon as possible.

Area’s that Bionic’s head are clipping through the Bionic mask are the top right-side of the head crest, and the left cheek.

I’m honestly ok with this unique head model clipping through most of the masks other then its intended mask because if this is the price to pay for an actual physically distinguished predator face then I’m down for it. I only hope that we don’t get too many of these, or too many that have scale issues with all other masks, as being able to combine different predator masks and bodies adds to the individuality of each PHG player’s predator. If anything this goes to show the reason behind why the default head was used on so many DLC predators.

Another issue with the Bionic model is that the netting of the back left shoulder looks unfinished and as if there is no netting at all, and leaves the netting on the left arm and back connected to nothing. I think the reason behind this is because the freelancer thought that the medicomp kit on the shoulder would cover this up, however when the character moves around and extends his left arm in any way, it shows. Its not terribly visible but almost acts like a tear in the armpit of a shirt that you forgot about, ya don’t see it until you start moving alot and then it just annoys you for the rest of the day. Hopefully this gets polished as well.

Last thing on the model is if you were to zoom in and look at the front area where the predator’s head connects to the neck, you’ll noticed a line that you can actually see through…as in you can see the background behind the predator. Another annoying thing like the netting mentioned above that isn’t blatantly obvious but hopefully gets polished.

But seeing how there are character model issues and inconsistencies still present with other DLC Predators that haven’t been fixed for over a year…I doubt these issues with the Bionic Predator character model will be resolved anytime soon…if at all.

The bone mask that was also added has a major scale issue, being that it is way too large when put on other Predators. Along with that, the mandibles for each predator does not appear freely on the side of the mask…like what was shown in the promotional picture.

Other then that this again is another update that offers no MEANINGFUL additions or bug fixes to the game. Yes we got a predator that looks good for the most part, but what is the point if you get a cooler looking avatar in a game still riddled with the same bugs…using the same weapons, gear, and perks…playing the same maps and modes?

I’ll take a quote from Angry Joe:

“It doesn’t matter if you put glitter and sprinkles on a turd, its still just a fuckin turd!”.


Which brings me to the main driver of this update, the thing that everyone has already mentioned…the only thing that’s been getting mentioned for the last 6-8 months…where in God’s name are the damn bug fixes!?! Where the fuck are the new maps and modes!?! I really wanna be professional about this but what’s the point when the way this game has been getting handled by you guys hasn’t been professional at all!?!
Its funny how you guys will post on your social media and website about all the “professionals” and “industry veterans” you guys have working for you, yet the way this game has been handled since basically fucking launch looks like you guys just got out of a tech school and this is your first goddamn rodeo!!!

  • There is no consistent communication on what’s to come…or really anything at all on the game, not even a “hey don’t worry guys, things are coming!” on at least a bi-weekly basis to reassure players. Which is hilarious considering that the bone mask post on all of your social media platforms got the most likes and comments out of the rest of your posts on your other games.

  • Your associates on social media only respond to ass kissing of the poor updates and don’t reply back in a timely fashion when asking for DM’s on issues.

  • The little content that has been put out in the past 6-8 months has been nothing but unfinished and/or unpolished Predator models riddled with bugs.

  • The 6-8 months of updates have had no significant and meaningful bug fixes or additions to the game.

  • Individuals of the PHG community that have taken time to supply footage and pictures of bugs, the footage and pictures you guys have constantly asked for when trying to address a problem, has been met with silence and the bugs not getting fixed…bugs since near launch might I add?

  • Exiled Predlocks

Im gonna stop there because I can write a fucking novel on all the bullshittery that has been pulled by you guys since this game appeared for purchase on my TV.

Listen…I’m not gonna pretend to understand game development and community management. I’m not as naive as to not think that managing social media and forums, developing video game assets and features, and fixing game bugs/glitches doesn’t take alot of money and manpower. However I’m still extremely confident in saying there is a failure on your guy’s part.

Not the developers by any means, they only are involved in sinking hours upon hours of creating things for this game.

Not even Sony and Disney, I know they hold a leash so to speak on what you guys can do with the game…but I can’t believe its to the extent of not communicating and fixing shit.

No…but its your leadership team and your executives, the ones who choose when and how to communicate, how much work to put into something, and where to allocate manpower on different projects. Whoever those people are in your company are the ones stomping the hearts out of fans of licenses you guys choose to mettle with. And to be quite frank I won’t be surprised if your studio shuts down if this is how you continue to treat your future games. Because once you guys finally pull the plug on this game and inevitably leave it in its buggy unpolished state, which you most likely will, rest assured that ill never invest or associate with anything that has the name “IllFonic” on it again.

To the community:

I know most of you guys have the common sense to not support a shitty excuse for an update like this, and properly call out IllFonic’s wrong doings, but still this lackluster excuse of an update got an alarmingly good amount of support to which I wanna address those people AND few content creators real quick.


All you guys that post and share stuff like “great update, can’t wait to try it out!”, “Glad to see you guys haven’t given up!”, “Don’t listen to these guys! You’re doing great!”, please stop being so ignorant and/or complacent with the drip fest we’ve been getting. Because you wanna know where that gets us, it basically encourages the situation of where we are now with this game, getting nothing with each update and no communication.

I know that these guys are a small company with I believe three small studios. They are stretched thin as a result of the multiple projects some idiots over there decided to start because they knew that this game was launched poorly. But its been over two years guys, and where have we gotten here in terms of ACTUAL content? One mode and 3-4 maps after roughly a year in…that’s it…when most of their studio was on the game by the way.

Now this game has been boiled downed to getting updates every two months supposedly because of a smaller PHG team to ensure the quality of updates, yet it seems that they have outsourced their DLC modeling to freelancers. In theory this should mean that other then managing animations and other little things for the DLC, the actual PHG team should have more time for at least bug fixes and polishing right?..well look above guys. A DLC and a free mask that in a way was falsely advertised as it doesn’t even fit or look right on any Predator in the fucking game. If that’s not the PHG community getting bent over and screwed I don’t know what is.

We are all passionate fans that want the same thing here, a decent and polished game. Yes these guys are limited by manpower and other projects and we must understand that, but keep in mind that we got updates similar to this when the game was the center of attention, and this drippage has been going on for at least a year. TWO MONTHS for updates now guys…c’mon…show tough love, because if you don’t then you can expect nothing but DLC packs for your characters to look cool in your loadout screens when the playerbase finally dies and you can’t find a match anymore.


Yeah, nobody’s gonna read all that.


Yeah I know.

But I figured that the moderators that claim to read all our posts will see it, and I can’t say I didn’t do my part in feedback.

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You’re never getting the time you spent on writing this back. Ever.


I’m never going to get the time scrolling past it back…


Wait what? Made by freelancer do you have a source for this?

Predator queues are too fucking long🤦 I hate you illfonic


But if their long then we have a good player base, and we can teach feral imitators a lesion.

And don’t forget that there are still people who buy this dlc and cannot accest it because it’s locked they spend money on this and it’s been 3 days and you guys don’t even give estimate time oh pls illfonic this is literally serious issue you can’t just sell item then when they pay and there is no item in it (sorry for my bad Grammar) this is the first time i got this kind of problem where whenever i play other games then complaint about this problem they fixed immidietly or at least just 1 day while it’s been 3 days since i bought it in epic game store i’ve been predator fans since i was 9 and i’ve been waiting for long time for predator game since avp 2010 i love this game but why this problem exist it’s like you scam an entire epic games platform player who bought this dlc im sure a lot of if not all epic games player who bought this dlc experience same problem as me i just hope you guys be better focused on this problem immidietly this is literally involving transanction which is key part of this game survival sorry for this long chat but i can’t stand where i buy dlc then get nothing from it except loss of my money i hope guys be better and solved this problem fast thanks


and if anyone tell me to refund i can’t cause i use payment methods that is non refundable


If anybody is interested , this goes for them selling with stats and then lowering the stats


why would they lower the stats anyway is it for balancing or what?

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Really wish the bugs would get fixed. I’ve been sitting at 1 trophy left to platinum for months now. It’s a fun game, but this is making me not wanna play it. Please, I just wanna get guarded to perfection done.

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Yeah. Like when Valkyrie was released precious FT mains complained and so she got nerfed.

Meanwhile broken fucking Dante and Dutch 87 haven’t been touched.

Illlfonic hates pred


and the the fact that predator supposed at least to be powerfull enough to widstand bullet wound even city hunter get shot multiple time and yet when i play predator on public match just 10 second into the fight with melee im dead

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