Patch Notes 2.50

I figured out why that is. They changed the weight settings. As a result you can’t switch weapon to knife or pop syrette or do anything really if you are too close to him. Needs fixing as unworkable and people will leave. Trying to play from bigger distance and sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn’t. AI pisses me off more as bullets just go through them but they live on. I get slated by AI, not preds

Try even performing one action. Can’t switch weapons, can’t pop syrettes, I use med kits and walk away and notice health still down and it has not done anything…
Sound glitch is also back even with disabled 3d sound on PS5.

Come on illfonic. Update this faster. This is not really playable at the moment. Just is not. Fixed the issues people are posting even if you have to make small updates daily.
Play as any ft and see for yourself.

There are issues with pred too I hear though. Preds not able to perform any actions mid game etc

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Oh and support stamina recovery is way too low. I get these needed adjusting but you took that one too far. There is also a glitch in which you can’t sprint at all despite full stamina so maybe fix that and we can reassess support

extracting files from the game is fairly simple and straightforward given you have access to the required information and tools to do it.

Yes, I can see game files and compare changes. Sadly I started doing this back in September, so I only have access to v 2.49 and 2.50 as I never saved the files from previous releases.

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I haven’t had any issues regarding actions. Only issue I’ve encountered is not being able to sprint right away and having to tap the sprint key several times to activate. I’ll try switching to hold instead of toggle and check if that performs equally poor or gets rid of the bug and activates immediately. Haven’t heard any fellow PC player talk about this and I know most use the hold key instead of toggle.

@IllFonic is there any more bug fixes coming up? Because MANY legit game balance breaking bugs and exploits and rampant and still not yet fixed (i.e. Reckless and Fanatic exploits)

I think the Percussion leaper trophy is bugged? I did it when the fireteam members resurrected at radio. Is it because there was a bot on their team?

You think they fixed the rendering issues for masks on the Elder?

Fanatic is fixed, only reckless remains, which is of course same thing.

🤣🤣🤣 what a Fucking Joke…they could add 30 more Preds and 50 more Pred Weapons and this game would still be overwhelmingly in The Fireteam’s Favor the damage output for FT is still erroneous despite the “changes” they made to the recoil and movement plus why should they add more FT when everyone just uses the same 3-4 Classes to exploit the glitched out damage numbers or Specializations?? Scout Dualist can still down a Pred with a Fucking Handgun in one extended clip? And they still Nerfed the SPC and HHPC?
And they still haven’t given me my

Unlikely, but I’m not sure

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Well…been playing all day and honestly…I don’t know if the game is in a better place or not 🤷 aiming and reticle accuracy still a big issue for Pred. The jet set radio grinding the Pred does while aiming SPC is jarring and doesn’t help as much as you’d think. The Pred Leap is now less viable for vertical traversal, because of how fast you fall regardless of where the reticle says you will land you do not land there 8/10 times. The HHPC nerf makes it basically useless unless they sit pretty and let you hit them as the Plasma bolts fly erratically and usually not where you are aiming. The AOE Reduction on both the HHPC and the SPC makes it more difficult to splash the ground in front of a moving target which is not terrible BUT it also now allows the FT to hide inside of enclosed spaces with little to no way to smoke them out with the above mentioned Splash Damage, so we’ve returned to the roots in some ways but not really for the better IMHO. The increase to Direct Hit Damage is actually pretty awesome BUT!!! a lot of the FT Perks working in conjunction with each other make that a moot point as the Meta is still essentially the same as it’s been for a while as well as I’ve run into 8 Dante Field Medics today when there is supposed to be NONE.
I could go on but all in all not a terrible step but also not a great one either.
Not sure why they still need to coddle the FT Mains when they’ve been running the show for over 2 years now but hey, guess all we can do is wait and see if they can ever bring this game back to somewhat of a balanced experience…
Somehow I doubt it tho…

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I agree and the fireteams aiming is so bad there’s so much drift to their aiming and looking hopefully this gets changed as well

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It can be in an urban area change the ai to gang members and have the area blocked off due to the predator sightings not the gang members maybe the exfil could change too

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Honestly they should just take us back to year 2 of the game, that felt like the best the game was at. Predator were beefy but not broken, FT had to work together to be dangerous but could survive long enough solo to reach others or reinforcements. The traversal mechanics for both sides was also pretty damn good back then, there wasn’t as much weird invisible barriers or things to get snagged on Predkor felt good, was responsive, and you didn’t just fall out of a tree for no reason or get stuck inside the trunk to get lit up by X-ray vision AI(they also didn’t have X-Ray Vision back then either) all the weapons on both sides worked fine and weren’t overly strong in any capacity the target reticles would actually put your shots where it said it was going to(Looking at You Predator Bow!) just overall the game felt better and actually relied on skill for both sides! Matches were Fun! Exciting! Kept you wanting to load in again and again! Now the game just feels broken, unbalanced, uncivilized, and a battle of attrition between who’s got the better glitched out this or meta that ECT.
Lord it’s a damn shame, what this Jungle gotten to.
For people like me, and people like you.
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true, but it is, oh it is!
Hunting in the new Jungle…
With an Old Soul…
These rich men of illfonic Kalakta knows they all just wanna present the bare minimum.
They don’t care what you think
They don’t care what you do
And they don’t think you know but I know that you do
Cuz These Yautja ain’t shit and they’re nerfed to no end cuz of Rich Men at Illfonic…

Small changes do spice things up. Game is more fresh now, but still many issues. Best we could have hoped for

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I didnt go out of my way to pick a fight. I was staying facts like I always do. I’m not magic Mike, dont try that shit on me. Remember I’ve shut you down before.

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When you creat a post aed at someone, you are going out of your way. You could have just had a conversation with him on the science thread after all.

You shut people down and then illfonic shuts you down. No win scenario.

Welcome back. Do you believe in illfonic once again?

That’s your warped perception.
I did it to prove a point.
And as the thread showed, everything I said happened.

Come on now bro,I know you’re smart enough to see that.
And theres no conversation to be had with him.
The dude only trolls, that you play along with him, is different.

And hell no, ilfonic just tryna milk xbox money.

I think most folks here already knew that and instead you agitated him more. Kinda dangerous grounds. In any case, illfonic though you were out of line when it comes to family friendly forums interactions