Patch Notes 2.50

Yes I did.

Nope, syche.

Nice self-reflection your ban was due to threats and abuse, fully justified, Illfonic definitely is slowly starting to see a bigger picture and that hurts your angry ego that it does not go your own way and hypocrisy that you brag about others. In fact you refuse to stop doing that.

So you admit that you are attacker? Nice self-snitch, by the way this comment shows that you are lying and talking shit.

He is just defending himself.

If his ban was justified, all of yours have been too and you shouldn’t even be here as for the permanent ban on your accounts


Dude he’s losing it. Full on delusional.


No he is not, you know that very well ;) you wouldn’t impersonate otherwise.

So you finally admit that I am living rent free in your head and that you want everybody that disagrees with your opinions to be banned because you cannot emotionally take different opinion?

You’re still lying.

I’m telling you what you need to do if you want peace.
Stop lying. That’s it.

I’m really not interested in going back and forth with you. That’s why I ignored you for so long.

But making the claims you are, is not a joke.
And you provide no evidence or explain how they are what you claim.

So please. Stop lying.

I’m being serious with you right now.

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When I hear that same repetitive word by you, I can already see that you are losing it with him, even as gang you can barely have any effect.

I’m trying to get it to end finally, as amusing as it is, all I want is the lies to stop.

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You’ve tried this before.
It ended up with you having a mental breakdown.

You cant handle people calling you out, standing up to you and defending themselves.

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You do, not me.

Actually that is all you, since you yourself said you wont leave me alone, contradictory statement.

Seems to me that you very much are, angry, interested and obsessed. You haven’t ignored me, but were banned.

First you say they are joke, now you say they aren’t. Your claims are joke, but my claims are proven with evidence.

Opposite, I do and did in every single argument.

Again you stop lying, it will be more beneficial.

So am I.

I’m sorry you have cancer, man. That’s horrible and I hope you get better. I have had my step father die from cancer and it sucks. No one should ever have it.

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How do you think it will work out for you? You are only ending yourself and your reputation.

Tried what? Only thing is that you tried this before.

Your every single comment is mental breakdown my dude.

Do you think so? All I see is that you cannot handle people calling you out, you even make fantasy harrassment contracts and impersonate accounts LOL. That is not defense, that is offense due to your emotional weakness.

Sigh. Im being serious, but you wanna troll.

I hate that when I try to make peace, scum like you wanna keep it going.

I tried Mike. I tried to end it.

This is why you’re the contracts bitch.

@Anyt1m3 you fucking see?
Try to be nice and end the bullshit, but he keeps it going.

Yet you defend him.

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Ending myself?
My reputation?

Buddy you’re beyond delusional.

Just stop lying. All you gotta do.

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That is you dude. Every time.

You are not making peace, you are just trolling and attacking defenders.

I tried, you didn’t.

Ty for another incrimination.

He always sees, but he is one of your teammates as always.

That is your own reflection, I am nice to nice people, but not nice to not nice.

He defends you actually.

None of it is fantasy.
The contract is very real.

You already signed your soul away.

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It’s you actually.

Again, that should be you.

Stop lying mike. All you gotta do.

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It is.

Does not exist, except in your head.

You are not God, but random psychopath on internet.

Didn’t know this patch would include this 🤣