Patch Notes 3.1.1 (Hotfix)

  • Fixed an issue where the Alpha Predator was not accessible for players that already had the Predator unlocked
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thank you!!! as a reward I shall give you my seed.



What about the Crossbolt Gun lighting up like the 4th of July for the rest of the match as soon as you use it for the first time?

What about the Plasma Caster charging sound being audible for the Fireteam but not for the Predator?

It took you guys this long to fix a single bug?

Did you even mean to release the Gladiator Predator DLC yet or was that a mistake too?🤣


nobody uses alpha anyways


@Courier @Doom Can we please get a hotfix for the crossbolt gun firing effect staying on the gun? This is a big issue as it makes the crossbolt unusable as the Fireteam can see you anywhere on the map. Ths was reported as a bug in patch 3.10 and still persists after patch 3.1.1 (hotfix).

Fix the SR Syrette, like since 12/5 please!

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The self revive syrette works…kinda? Like I’ve seen it fail on people but just last weekend I saw it actually work, so…

Here’s the trick, it doesn’t work 100% of the time on the first try, and likely works after the second try. That’s a lot of time wasted, in those sticky situations.

That’s funny, since I’ve seen it work on the first try, recently. Like I would down players fresh into the match and watch them to see if they can revive, and they do.

I get it. You’ll see a hot a streak of SR working, but I’d say 1 of 10 or less don’t work on the first try. I have SR on all my builds, bc I can’t rely on random FTs for shit, and I’ve used it enough to know it doesn’t work all the time lol

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The problem with the bolt gun is that it is literally suicide to play with it, I’ll stick with the net launcher, katana, bow

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