Patch Notes 3.2.0

Anubis Predator

Whispered through the ages and etched into the annals of Yautja history, Anubis is not merely a god of death; he is death personified, the relentless predator who foresees every final breath. As the forebearer of Cleo, his legacy casts a shadow that even eternity cannot escape.

This DLC pack includes the Anubis Predator premium class, as well as early access to the new Eye of Ra Predator weapon.

Eye of Ra

As if harnessing its power from the sun itself, this gleaming variant of the Handheld Plasma Caster fires powerful, concentrated projectiles with less arc and faster traveling speed. However, it has a slower firing rate and a smaller clip capacity.

Patch Notes 3.2.0


  • Addressed an issue that was causing Fireteam players to crash during the Mission Planning screen
  • Fixed an issue where Fireteam Bots and enemy NPCs would sometimes have their weapons appearing at their feet
  • Fixed an issue where the Predator’s player card could become stuck on the Mission Planning screen if a player leaves the match during the final seconds of the countdown
  • Fixed an issue where certain weapons were not displaying properly on the Main Menu diorama
  • Addressed various localization issues


  • Fixed an issue where certain rocks were missing collision on Backwater
  • Improved Predkour navigation for specific areas on Backwater, Excavation and Headquarters


  • Adjusted the size of Medical Kit icons on the Minimap


  • Fixed an issue where activating Cloak while in Vision mode could cause the Predator Cloak’s transition animation to continually repeat
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cough no rock exploits fixed on headquarters or airstrip, no balance changes cough

great update y’all

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yeah. Shit update. Possibly shit Pred, waiting for the typical analysis.


So, nothing got fixed what people were actually complaining about. Gotcha.

-Feral’s crossbow is still lit up when in use,
-Some predator roars are bugged when using the accessory wheel.
That’s just a couple of many problems in the game


@Schoolboy_Skeptik come back pls

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SFX MISSING… no big deal-illfonic

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@BeerWarrior66 can you pull the in-game stats for this thing?

Agreed. I’m always more curious about the shadow buffs and nerfs, those typically affect the gameplay more than whatever they publically list.


It’s a shame the games budget is 2 Pennie’s and chewed gum because it has so much potential

BMW posted a screenshot, anubis has max movement speed and gear with 3 bars of health and stamina


So this is finally the max stat P2W Pred we’ve been asking for, nice.


while i will admit this is a decent idea, it doesnt really do anything. its like they tried to make a sniper configuration. im pretty sure the default plasma caster will probably have a better performance than this sniper pistol


essentially. illfonic’s solution to the fireteam having an obvious advantage is “well just add a super juiced up mega predator that players have to buy”


Well well well lookie lookie…anyone have it already and can upload some pics of stats and skin details?

I cannot see the Anubis DLC on PS5 …

Having hacked the plasma pistol for a long time, the effectiveness of that tighter pattern is really good.

I dig this over plasma caster because damage will be close to fully charged plasma caster damage, without locking you in an ADS animation and without consuming energy.


Best pred stat wise?

Vietnam time.

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well shiver me timbers

i guess only testing will tell