Fuck, I HATE aim assist in D2. Do you know how many times it’s fucked me out of some crisp kills? Then dipthong the Huntard decides to shotgun ape and win button. Another reason I stopped playing Deadstiny

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It’s a misconception caused by Halo, RDR, COD and other console shooters that are made primarily for console and have snap aim where you can just mash ADS and lock onto the body.
or Halo/COD where someone running across your screen will drag the crosshair halfway across your FOV.

Just ignore us. first it was ping, then it was server tick rate, now its aim assist no matter how miniscule. nothing new really.

You know I didnt mind shotguns back in early d1.
The jumping around is annoying, but get a good weapon and it’s not too bad.

I’ve always hated aim assist, but good god is it horrible in pve. Constantly happening. XD

But I mainly just play the dungeons they’re fun as hell.
If you decide to play again and wanna run grasp, let me know il run that with you.

And thay honestly goes for anyone.
Whoever plays d2, on whatever platform, il definitely run dungeons with whoever.

No you don’t.

Sell me your dark souls hacks fin.
I want em all xD.


but literally.
The most fun ive had with a script editor.

elden ring will probably have to have actual cheat prevention since its too popular now ):

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No more invading as a dragon for you.
I hope elden ring is gonna be really good.

We all do

They really only softbanned for level editing and stats but everything else was ok. Devs were cool.

I don’t know what the max player limit is but im hoping we get ds3 gang wars because that was really the only part of ds3 I enjoyed over ds2 aside from animations. Need more crazy gankfest areas like the forest.

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“Console players suck cuz they can’t aim”

“Console players have aim bot it’s called aim assist”

Which is it man…


inb4 Mass “use your mouse and keyboard on the couch” Impact arrives.

I like controllers for camping though.
Good for melee, platformers, and anything with wheels.


I mean, he was gonna lose that match anyway, so probably a good thing he disconnected js 🤷

Try me. Squad up noob

Thread is picking back up


Thanks man this is my first encounter with it so I really didn’t know.

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Halo getting me back into PC gaming but honestly, I like my damn couch and no chair will ever match its comfort

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Halo is meant to played on a couch with a controller


You casual swine


Agreed, but I made my call in the console wars. It was Sony

I prefer relaxed piggy thank you very much.

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you can plug in your PS4, PS5, or Steam controller and play halo with it.

I have small hands xbox controllers are DISCRIMINATORY.
And the thumbstick placement wtf even

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