Pc graphics help please

Yes, it is very possible. I have all three on my own computer. A 4TB HDD for games, a 500GB SSD (SATA) for the OS and a 1TB SSD (NVMe) for the games I play the most.

NVMe is the fastest connection (it uses PCIe, the same interface as your GPU) but in real world scenarios the differences in performance between a SATA SSD and NVMe SSD are minimal and barely noticeable.

Regular HHD are very slow, and although on most games this just translates to slower loading times, on PHG it does affect performance. My guess is that textures are being loaded “on the fly” while you are playing.

Ok I see ssd only.

Yup, there are videos that prove this. Anything above SSD speed is overkill and waste of money. It’s better to invest in a fast CPU, GPU, or RAM.

ryz 9 39x
rtx 3080 1440p
ssd sam evo

playing on cine with shadow, post, and view on epic. Avg 30 to 80 fps. My ram is likely a weak point in my rig?.. Its crucial 2600 32 GB.

avg 60 to 80 fps up to 150

Getting @ss fps on legions and going into cyberpunk with low expectations for game play and performance…meanwhile in a galaxy far far away squadrons is getting like 150 fps to 200 up max settings 1440p 100 sample

You’re better off with dual channel 16gb ram 3600mhz or higher

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squadrons is broken. those fps that show in the counter are not real. right now game is stuck at 30-60 fps but the framerate goes high because frames are being duplicated.

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lower shadows to medium. it really makes little to no visual difference and the framerate drops like crazy. with medium you should be getting above 100 fps on a 3080

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Odd thing after doing a fresh install of windows i had steady 80 fps and up in this game everything on cinematic.

I didnt have many programs installed at all but AV and this game.