PC Hackers

If these guys are not hacking, then the gameplay of this game needs a serious change!

They spot you from any distance and everytime
They follow you through the entire map
Always know where you are
shoot you mask off from miles away
you dont hear them talking (private chat)
all PC players… coincidence?

Congratz your first decent fireteam


yeah, only by doing this to beat me

Playing aggressively? Yep pretty much.

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Lmao, you know cloak doesnt work on pc right?
We get preds we chase through the entire map as well, the ft I play with on ps4. Have to mention I’m on ps4.

Too many things dont work right on pc, so I dont bother with them.

Honestly I’ve just started being able to spot/guess location on the pred as FT the past few days and I can see how PC players do it now. If not for the PS4 controls I’d be accurate enough to ruin some preds I’ve gone against today. Once you figure out the strategy it ain’t that hard really.

them, we are doomed

Its been like that since the game came out. Just turn off crossplay until hopefully they fix it.

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just did it. Thanks!

Part of being “good” is downgrading your graphics so that Predator can be seen from across the map from a high up position. This plus the fact that cloak makes s Predator easier to see at range makes this practice you speak of fairly common.


No problem.

Is anyone available on PC to do some science on this? I knew since the last graphical update that cloaked Predator became easier to see at range, but I was not aware of the 100% invisibility being gone.

EGS: Draedark

And by “science” I mean record some videos of a Predator cloaking at different graphical settings and ranges.

I will post the videos for anyone who cares to see them if we find anything of interest.

I hope there are many ps4 players out there.
Cuz judging by the time it took (7 to 10 minutes) to find a game with crossplay enabled, I guess it will be way worse now.

I would make a thread to gather ppl to test stuff out lol. Hopefully you get ppl. I would say Lazy, but he doesn’t wanna play.

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PC gamers will always have the advantage of mods and taking advantages of glitches this is why I disabled cross play

Sure hmu im able to test stuff… im usually on PC and have crossplay on lol… but yeah i agree they just spot you from miles away or land a headshot that takes of a chunk of your hp

thats the only part where your wrong.

PC players
I have yet to see one pc player cheat. I will say one thing… the rifles and smg literally have no recoil…staying on target is way to ez compared to other fps i have played. Its like unreal tournament meets predator

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yeah, you’re right.