PC high Predator rankings, February 2021

True, also most PC get along because they bond over hating on console users.

Pc MaSTeR rAcE, WoO!
(It’s just a joke, as unfortunately everyone cannot hear my sarcasm through the forum)

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PS4 suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkk KFC CONSOLE IS BETTER

ok now i will jump bye


Goodness. Take a chill pill, maybe head out for a walk for a little before you post when you’re heated up.

Hell yeah it’s better you can make crispy chicken while playing a game



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Many a true word spoken in jest.

I love how this thread is titled in a way to make it sound sort of official and definitive, but then you have the little disclaimer at the end of the initial post to state the reality: it’s just “Here’s my personal opinion of who is good”.


Psychobabas posts his best predator tier list monthly. He is a PC player that plays around 30 hours a week so with the fact that so many ps4 players turn off crossplay, it is possible for frequent FT players to get a good handle on where various predators rank. He is going to miss out on a lot of the various American timezone predators but I’ve never seen anyone disagree with a rank of a predator that had made the list. The ones that make the list are truly excellent PC predators, and I think it is commonly agreed that Psychobabas does a pretty great job of placing a predator where they tend to play in terms of those tiers. If youre on this list, it’d be rare for you to ever lose against anything that wasn’t a pre-made.

It’s OK for there to be a community, sometimes the community wants to make posts for each other to read. Even if you keep crossplay off so don’t know any of these players, just relax, obviously this topic isn’t for you.


Ok, the KFConsole is superior to anything that the human race has ever made.
As a species, humanity has peaked, it can only stay the same or go downhill from here.


What @GreyBack said could really be taken as a compliment about the organization of the post, and it is always a good thing to let people know it is just your opinion so no one gets triggered that they weren’t on the list.

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Homer Simpson on the TV!!!

Hell yeah the Simpson

YEAAHHHH!!! The Simpson from Simpson!

Homer Simpson should be at the top of the list

I did not make the list.

I didn’t either

the rankings are between no one but psychobabas and god.

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I see

This is a off topic thread. This has nothing to do with discussing the current state of the game

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Lol everyone just hates to hate

Noo don’t do it!! You forgot your 12 piece meal!

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