PC high Predator rankings, February 2021

In no order:


Thunderwolf450, Dan38000, Blade_Master300, Prozipix, Quixz


Mr_Mojo_Rising, SAHORI_JPN, Samanosuke0017, Minnichka, Stoiker_Kalei, DentdeSabre, Procyon9511, Pawelnater, minitorz, ADIsnap, zCHIEFTAIN, Airnill, Nathan Chechok, WhooozYourDaddy, MonkeyBarMuscles, Jaya Soames


Hadgoued, Never1994Fall, Yamidashka, oscarMike42, Whiterlight, Maverick.PCDS, Noktrum666, cinist3r, namufaku, bendinglight


Dark.Dante45, HawaiiNube, karawol, Fenris187, Andrey01001, AmibaVedator, 12RUS_MARIEL, Marcwin86, Reaptentah

Honourable mention

Zapata1111w, Philchap

my opinion: ;-)


phh,yet you see me on your friendslist everytime you log on.smh.

I agree with this list

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I didn’t know Stoiker_Kalei played PHG.

He’s an F13 OG.


What exactly do I get?

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At tier 3 I’m gonna guess melted.

LoL just kidding dude


kidding or not : its freaking true XDDDDDDDD

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PC players dont count bruh. They are repeat offenders for adjusting graphics and use some kind of auto aim. I can jump from tree to tree and They are still hitting me. Trash! They dont play the game as its intended.

PC players all suck bawls. Change my mind.

Welll…this list is by a PC player, ranking PC players. Plus they tend to face each other more often as people on console turn off crossplay.

Thats unacceptable habits. I as a PC player am just as competent as any of those elite PS player.

Uh… well…uh…okay…I mean it’s the other way around but…ya know what. Sure. I believe you bud

Hi, I almost always hit predators while they are jumping from tree to tree, There is a specific technique to do that : is to follow the arc of the jump taking aim.
And I’m not even one of the best in doing this.
Arrow_calis was the master of this technique with assault rifle, snipers I play with (@PsychoBaBas, @Scarface_1983) are masters in doing this with sniper rifle.
No cheats

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It’s called a mouse.


You must believe in the Heart of the Gun.


sure… because auto aim also works with projectile based weapons…

Im a new one to the PC I’m coming from ps just saying it’s way to easy to play on here than on ps. I am also a pred main


Welcome. I look forward to playing with you sometime. The PC community is a lot friendlier than the PS4 community, so if you have a mic and like to chat with your FTs I imagine I’ll see you in discord sooner or later too.

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Love such useful comments…

Go and try out PHG on PC on your own, then talk!


sorry dude, its called having skill and experience. as half of the pc player left are veterant from the start of the game and have become quit good at shooting pred down. we are simply more experienced and more skilled than you. deal with it.

Bro each community has bad and good so don’t make it seem like all of ps players are dicks… I’m just saying. Not trying to be rude either.