.PCDS Cheaters

No Saiano, I will not blow you off. I know times are uncertain, but I’m sure you’ll still have that alleyway fun in the future

For high level matches it helps A LOT , if you play against a pc squad in a tournament the only way to win is take an advantage from fireteam mission. You can fo a fast kill at the start without using target isolation if you surprise them in the proper spot. Or in the trasition phase between one mission and one other fireteam usually take every time the same way and you can take advantage if you go in the proper time to an high ground and they are all in an open area. Plus reinforcements spot , medpack position, ammo crates, specific roof (there are more roof then what you all think 😂) and good angle to engage them. Once again, it all depends by level, in pubs most of game you only need to spam left click with wrist blade or elder sword but when you face 4 x premade PC you nerd to take some advantages from their missions, otherwise you get melted.

You clearly didn’t translate it correctly. And I was talking to another person, did you feel called into play? :)

Cmq non ha senso tutto questo odio , cioè io li ho pure trovati contro varie volte e li ho sfidati in privata ed ho sempre vinto. Giocano molto chill, quale sarebbe il problema in tutto ciò? Non usano low settings, non usano ,4 sniper ma solo uno a partita, usano tutti armi non meta. Cioè davvero non è che se non lasci vincere il predator sei disonesto 😂. Già che con il bilanciamento attuale il Predator vince sempre in pubs (99% delle partite sono contro 2/3 ps4 che sono come gli AI praticamente) è anche giusto che ogni tanto il livello della sfida si alza, sennò che gusto c’è? Alla fine è un pvp non un single player.

Non è odio, è che non mi diverto a giocare con voi. Ci ho provato , eravate pure in 3 , e non sono riuscito a fare nulla se non mettere k.o. un paio di volte un di voi.
Mi piacciono le sfide ma non sono un esaltato. Un minimo di divertimento ci deve essere. Come ho detto tante volte, gioco spesso contro 4 pc ft, non so esattamente se coordinati o meno, credo di si però perché joinano sempre insieme. A volte vinco e a volte perdo, mi diverto abbastanza.
Ma contro di voi non c’è storia. Io gioco per divertirmi, non per competere sportivamente. Concetto peraltro del tutto assurdo quello di “competizione” o “agonismo” in questo formato di gioco, e tu sai meglio di me che non esisterà mai un ranked system o un torneo ufficiale.

Quindi, di che parliamo? Io trovo assurdo che un gruppo di persone giochi per rendere frustranti le partite del 99% dei giocatori predator, anche di quelli cosiddetti “skillati”, i quali hanno affermato più volte di considerare molto frustrante il giocare contro di voi.

Vi piace così? Avete degli orgasmi? Cavoli vostri, io non sto al giochetto mi dispiace.

Purtroppo il bilanciamento del gioco è fucckato dall’ammontare di cerebrolesi che sta in questo forum. Tutti che vorrebbero il Predator op e siamo arrivati ad un punto in cui giocare in solo è come giocare 1 vs 1 col Predator. Non sto scherzando la gente da ps4 inizia una partita va a raccogliere il veritanio , non fa attenzione al gioco, appena muore quitta (lo avrai visto anche tu giocandoci contro). In realtà loro PCDS sono un livello intermedio quindi ci sta giocare con loro perché davvero giocano a cazzo e non sono hard core come Dice e compagnia bella. Purtroppo da Pc sono tutti molto più forti dei ps4 e finché gli inviti cross platform non funzioneranno co sarà sempre questa abissale differenza tra 4 x pc e 1/2 x PC + 2/3 ps4. Non mi sembra di notate che gli sviluppatori si interessano tanto della situazione visto che ignorano ogni post con bug e feedback, ma allo stesso tempo creano i topic con le foto dei gatti e rispondono ai post degli humburger 😂.

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Ho incontrato anche delle squadre di PS4 molto molto bravi, tatticamente anche migliori di quelle PC, probabilmente per compensare lo svantaggio dato dall’hardware. Le partite migliori.

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You talking to my boys. Of course I don’t wanna ruin your flow man. Go em tiger ;)

yes, brother, I did not play on my kit yet, I tested the samurai, but I must note the fact that you are really worthy rivals

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“best quality” = graphic and shadow on low XDDDDDD

Buy ps4.

Turn off crossplay.

I’m not sure what the devs were thinking, but, in a game where foliage plays a big part in providing concealment, why would you allow PC players to reduce their graphics for an advantage? If your PC can’t run the game at ps4 graphics, then you should not be allowed to play. That’s just the way it has to be. It’s bad for the game, because I’ve seen streams were even the predator plays with low graphics.


That’s IF the ft is going for the mission and not hunting you.

Which honestly if it’s a tournament, and who you’re playing with are good enough, I’d say itd be more beneficial to find a spot you got the advantage and just kill the pred.

Since preds a joke, given how easy they get shredded, you’re probably better off doing this, instead of the mission.
I really wouldn’t count the time running out a win for the pred, I always consider that a draw when I’m playing. I don’t feel like I’ve won.

Anyways that’s how I’d do it if I’m playing ft.
Fuck the mission.
Even if you do complete it and exifil, if you’re trying to prove your good, especially in a tournament setting, you should go for the kill.

But uh… ya.
It’s gotten to the point where I don’t see the reason to take this game that seriously. There are WAY too many bugs and issues, mainly on the pred side, to take this game that seriously anymore.

Maybe after they fix and improve stuff.

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You missed the “and enjoy the game how it was intended.” part😏

I’ve had crossplay turned off for the longest time now, and it’s a shame because there are some really cool PC players who frequent the forums that I’d like to play with/against but without crossparty invites (that feature that was promised from day one that still isn’t in the game yet…) I’m not wasting my game time being cheated by a PC FT when I play Predator or seeing a PC teammate take over the match and deny the Predator player and rest of the squad an actual gaming experience.

Nope. Crossplay is off. And the game is way more enjoyable when it’s just PS4 players Vs PS4 player.


Yesterday broke me. I’ve kept cross play on but I finally had to call it quits after yesterday. Daily + Weekly challenges being murder the pred just sent everyone into overdrive. The PC preds were ruthless and the PC fireteams were brutal. It’s like going into a gunfight with a super soaker playing PC vs PS4.

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As you said most of the time (in pubs) you can go for kills. Against a good Predator (high level match, most of the time in tournaments and like 1/5% of the times in pubs) it’s better to go for missions. As Predator, in order to that, it’s better knowing all the things possible to keep advantage in the match.

I agree for the most part. But personally I only count wiping the other side as a win.


And that’s alright, but in this game the only way FT wins is if we have at least one exfil or we secure the body. All other outcomes are Predator wins.

Until I get constant smooth 60 FPS that’s the way it’s gonna be.

Everyone has their preferences. To me, having the game look like a movie going down to 24 FPS is a horrible experience. I don’t care if the game looks cartoonish as long as I get 60 FPS without drops. To each its own.

Go have fun with your console.

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You also only fought 2 of us with one brand new guy who was level 7 and a PS kids who was level 19

you can beat even russian premades… o wait only i can.