Just tested out the buffed smg. It seconds winds full health hunter in 2.5 seconds. Woohoo
PDW-Z is busted after patch
Upon another test, the damage is way less from a little distance away. Up close it’s bonkers
Rip rushing
I guess that means OWLF rifle will insta kill. No need to disarm.
And people seem to be missing this point. Yes range is good and can stop you from insta dying. But it sucks that melee combat is just 100 percent useless against good teams
Very true, only weapon I actually find good is the elder sword but most times I’m in the trees or standing still invis with the hand held or bow to pick them off one by one
QQ some more bra
I don’t think you know what a bra is, but also, wat lol
Seem fair, the smg’s were eh anyway. Still trash at mid-long range anyway. So makes sense.
It s 100% usless against good team but at the same time is 100% broken against most of pubs random players (even pc). People just need to get good, katana and elder sword are so good in damage. https://youtu.be/myMNdSDedxY
Here is a video in which an elder sword player won against a pre made good team. Of course most of the times the squad won against him in pubs but just to make you understand that melee is not that bad as people say, it’s just situational.
I mean situational for sure. You aren’t wrong there