Why are you unbanned?!
Perma ban Fire!
Because someone broke the curse and let me free. A thousand years of darkness and degeneracy will now commence.
I swapped Kass for you in the permanent ban.
A soul for a soul.
The Council required your return, and authorized any means necessary.
Guys cmon!!! Can we stay on subject please?
We are here to discuss perma banning Fire on grounds that he is a furry weeb.
Of course. All in favor say aye. All opposed say nay.
Stop trying to make yourself relevant off my name.
You suck at Annie.
Eww, the furry spoke to me.
The only furry is you, you blue alien fetish freak.
Make it stop guys. The icky furry wont stop.
Stop making the blue furry sequel.
Did you dress up again?
Hope you got payed well.
Drench yourself in gasoline and light a match.
gasp How did you know it was me?!
Because the council has decided to eliminate you next.
The council will wipe out all furries.
I am the council.
I’ve been possessed. How do you like my makeup?