Personal statistics

Please add a way to see your own statistics for quick plays and being able to filter out your progress after weeks, months and years.

Number of game rounds as Predator.
Wins and losses as Predator.
Wins and losses as Scout, Hunter, Berserker, Elder, Alpha, Samurai.
Fireteam Killing blows.
Quick and long claims.
Boars eaten.

Number of game rounds as Fireteam.
Wins and losses as Fireteam.
Wins and losses as Scout, Recon, Assault, Support, Dutch2025, Dutch 1987.
Predator killing blows.
Destroyed bio masks.
Total exfiltrations, bomb defuses, reinforcements.

And anything else that could be fun to watch or look back on.


Total number of T Bags performed on dead enemies corpse.
Total number of times FT left to bleed out as their skulls were unworthy 😈

Somehow I feel like people will get depressed when they see their win to loss ratio lol.

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Especially as Predator 😒🤫

Yep, this is Fireteam: Hunting Grounds after all.

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Palpatine, you’re still alive 😳 Damn, another Disney trilogy is brewing… I can sense it😏

The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be …unnatural.


Please do not add personal statistics. I don’t want to be reminded at how terrible a predator player I am.

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Boo, me neither but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet

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