Do you want Feral Predator for the next DLC?
- Yes - We want Feral
- No - We don’t want Feral
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Do you want Feral Predator for the next DLC?
0 voters
give us his bulletproof shield.
Goddamn right! Haven’t seen the movie yet, so no spoilers lol
I’ve never wanted something more in this game, I wish but I doubt we will have.
He must have a variant of the Spear Gun for the bow, a bullet proof shield, and Feral with a polished look
but only effective against muskets
Btw he can still stay in clock in water 💦💦💦
he has the firecloack specialization no decloaking in water.
If you shoot him in the back he kills himself via stupidity and he stands still for a while when he lands just so he can soak some shots.
Where’s the gamemode petition
when will we be able to just shoot preds masks off
buff FT
Magic flower that lowers our body temp (certainly no ill effects from lowering it that much) when?
This would probably be the last dlc I buy if they add it.
Cold blooded perk
Suspension of disbelief. It’s a stretch, but it could be like a vasoconstrictor that lowers surface temperature by restricting blood flow, metabolism, and heart rate. Obviously, this would have some negative side effects.
Lowers stamina or stamina regen? Or both?
In reality, it would definitely effect both. If it existed.
If only Dutch was smoking that shit instead of tobacco. Poor dude had to go into mud balls deep.
Agreed, honestly it shouldn’t be too hard to make him since his head can be somewhat compared to the Super Predators & Emissary. With the body model of Alpha.
Thanks, I think his body is closer to wolf but yeah it shouldn’t be that hard, but this face is probably the one thing I’m okay with being changed in game.
Eh idk I think they should keep it, I’m okay with the design actually