Petition to get Exiled a Haka Animation / Emote

  • •Yes
  • •No

0 voters

F it! I wanna see Exiled / Yautja get a unique animation to do the Haka since 1.) He technically spent most his time somewhere on the Pacific Islands, so to think hehe Yautja ran into any Islander Warriors who challenged the Predator with a Haka would be badass & 2.) Come on that would be just amazing to see plus it not only adds character but also it’s a unique animation that holds true to the Predators design……and it’s another cool animation we could have.

This is just a fun little poll so no one take it seriously and start trying to cause a unwanted scene, debates are okay and I’m sure anyone here would be willing to do so. However if this does happen thank you IllFonic🙏

For those wondering what a Haka is, here you go:

They can’t even do unique roars and effects nevermind literal dance emotes

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Elder & City Hunter do 🤷🏻

Elder and female are both just slightly edited and City Hunter is badly ripped audio straight from what must have been a youtube clip. and forget syncing roars with animations.

amazing we went from Rebellion that did all their own sounds to whatever this is

predator mimics they couldnt bother to distort I guess?

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Oh shit I totally forgot about the female roar, not gonna lie I kinda wished those roars went to the tank like Predators

Viking, Emissary, Berserker, etc.

bless the corner cutting genius that decided launching CH blasting 240p 90’s mono audio static into people’s headphones was ok instead of trying to remaster the roar or clean up the sound in any capacity

and then apparently that was too much work having to hotfix the whole extra second of audio they left in so they never tried unique sounds again.

Okay regardless of it not happening which I know is a huge factor, I’m just saying wouldn’t it be amazing let alone awesome to have one of the most amazingly designed Predator to have a war chanting dance known as the Legenday Haka?


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Well aren’t you just a barrel of fun, almost sorry I asked but okay 🤦🏻‍♂️

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That’s weird? What happened?

I put the fortnite dances on an external link that only stayed up for a couple hours I think

Ah okay 👌

In all seriousness though, no memes or one word answers. What animation or emote would you really want to see even if it doesn’t happen, what do you have on a wish list of animations to bring to PHG’s.

That fits the Predator subject so I doubt a Predator would break it down dancing.

Playing with the wrist computer and about 70 long claim animations

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Okay I really like that idea of the wrist computer, maybe have a small hologram of Yautja Prime pop up would be 🧑‍🍳🤌

As for executions please let’s not, it took me so damn long to make this video. I don’t wanna do it again😭💀

less is more.

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Just saying this would look cool, also what executions did you have in mind