Pfffttt hahahahah

Why is it that only non essential employees and Maga freaks complaining about a free 600$ lol.

I am ashamed to call myself an American, we have gone from the country that defended the world in two World Wars to now complain that 600 is not enough even tho all maga supporters and the non essential employees have been getting a shit ton of money every week.

Maybe learn to save the unemployment money instead of going out to eat every day and hosting dumb ass rallies that the election was rigged. Lol

Also if you stop wasting all that money on those dumb ass trump merch you wouldn’t care about only getting 600$.

Lol I love how soft Republicans have become over the last two months lol.

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Listen here little troll, while you’re not entirely wrong, there are some people that do need more lol.

There are people who get fucked over in life and it’s not like it’s easy to come up in the world, if not everyone would be doing it.

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Btw in all these responses I’m just giving you a hard time, no one ever really wants to argue with you xD.

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I can understand that 600$ is not alot, but getting 600$ extra a week on unemployment should have been able to hold them over.

My brother-in-law was getting 858 a week thats crazy. He is not having trouble paying rent.

The ppl complaining are the ones who spent there unemployment money as soon as they get it.

I am not saying the ppl that have a hard time like families and such are complaining if anything they are doing the most to get more money cause they need it.

Its these soft Republicans that have no families that eat lobster three times a week that are complaining that 600$ is not enough and will need to change there lifestyle.
Like duhhh you shoulf have changed your lifestyle 9 month’s ago

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I know dear I just like to have someone to argue with that is in equal terms of trollish behavior you make it fun for when the true sjw jump in

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But sponge boy me bob, how can I save that if



Lol very true

Lots of us would rather our dipshit governors open the economys of our states and stop punishing us. We don’t want some pissant measure thats just taxpayer dollars being used anyway. We want these pinheads to GTFO of our way. They conveniently forget/ignore that they are supposed to be governing ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF THE GOVERNED, not ruling as they see fit with no repercussions. That $600 isn’t free. Nothing the government hands out is free.

Well then follow your governors rules. There are too many states that either said fuck what the medical doctors say we gonna do what we want.

Wear your fucking masks. Its not that hard. Its simple really.

Just because the virus has a 98% survival rate does not mean that you dont need to take per cautious

Masks are not the problem. We are doing what we’re told, but its not working. Not to mention, so many of these dicks have been caught violating their own rules, so obviously they know that most of this is bs. The rules have changed so many times as have what the “experts” say, so we don’t know what to believe. What we DO know is that politicians are liars. We know that no politician wants to give up power, no matter how large or small the amount. Like I said, they need to get out of the way and let us run our own lives.

Ima have to sadly agree with you

You are my friend. But this is not heavy enough. If a metal band has not burned down a church they are not truly metal enough

Heavy is good

I haven’t gotten $600?

Mmmm good fucking band… god damn didn’t know you where into this

Or like suicide metal?

WTF? Is this like throuhg Epic or Steam? or Sony?
What the fuck are you shitting on us for?

I mean I’m from fucking ---- i think youre on crack!

Lmao the local walmart here adjusts their TVs to stimulus check prices and it works everytime.

But OP why do you think the people voting republican are the one’s that want obamacare policies and a goverment subsidized ipad to compliment their food stamps? Might want to double check demographics especially in cities.

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