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whoever managed to join SOMEONE HAD him/her. 100%

The thing is, you can be friends with someone on Epic, that person can link their steam account to his epic account, and whoever has him, will only see the epic account online. Steam/PS and epic accounts don’t need to have the same name. And if you aren’t friends on steam, you won’t know who it is.

That’s a lie, I’ve seen perfectly well that when you have someone added to Epic who has Steam linked, even if you don’t have them added to Steam, you get that they are on the Steam platform with the name Steam, it’s not an opinion, I’ve seen it. could it be a bug? perhaps, there are many. could it be a cheat? perhaps, there are also many, each one rarer than the last and they continue to come out

Call me a liar… I’ll post a video later and show you, you are wrong.

If both of you are added on Steam, it’s possible to join a private game because Steam has the functionality, but Epic and PHG do not. In the case of the video, no one had added anyone on Steam. If you can show under the same conditions as in the video, meaning the Steam user is not added to anyone and joins without any type of invitation, then I will agree with you.

Wanna bet?

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Hmm… if I make a bet it will be to bet that you are the idiot who was sneaking into the game

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I would never do such a thing


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Are you the guy who usually talks with Fearerchannel when he streams? The voice in the background, who always sounds like he’s constipated and trying to take a shit?
Also sounds like a very short person who’s sitting and chatting in a closed cardboard box.

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He’s a pet dog woof

So you must be the best predator in the game according to some statistics or something.

To clarify, killing some randos in pubs doesn’t make you a good pred. I’ve personally played against you and sam, so judging from my standpoint it’s not even a comparison.

I think Fairjautja is a better pred, seriously.



Fearerchannel II of Spain:


Beerwarrior killed fearer pretty much alone before

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Fearerchannel thinks he is 10 times better than he actually is, he is very far away from being classed as a top player, this is something he claims himself. All he does is playing against random Playstation kids and casual potatoes in public hunt matches, every Predator who does this should be called a “Top 1 Predator” aswell if you go after Fearer’s way of thinking.
He’s 160cm/5’3 short and is a very delusional Spanish person.

He would get completely destroyed vs a deathsquad in private matches.


Potato mediocre predator player yes but he dont have balls to play private games


The funny thing is that he doesn’t realize that he himself is a potato in this game, he plays in public matches where 95% of the kids are on ps, and claims to be top 1. It’s just a stupid potato )


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Fun topic though lol

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