PHG content

Have you seen what i look like ? lol

and get oumatched so hard by a guy that they get obsessive trying to convince people he is cheating

I havenā€™t even played you, you stupid twat Samhain. And Iā€™m not Fire either. Stupid dumb twats.

so you dont even know me and thinks im hacking, how can you be that stupid to believe anything you see online?

do I look like a computer nerd that puts efforts into making hacks on phg?

killing you potatos is just a thing I do without effort when im bored

This game is a literal troll cave of cheats and fakes. I played for a while under a few names BUT, I realized people were hot mic talking shit during matches, and come to find out later they were cheating.

This game is a slime pit. Why even play if you are going to cheat? Why bother convincing people your ā€œgoodā€ when far from the contrary?

But who cares its illfonic fault. No bans. No updates. No bug fixes. At the end of the day Predator Cheating Grounds remains a pit of slimey sh!t.

Nerf your arcadey 2947373837 sensitivy, THATS the direction the gaming industry is going. Weapon weight. Tactical squads, watch my 6, direction. This cheese fest of PHG deserves to die for lack of innovation and imagination.

And yes, I guarantee you Samhain have some sort of cheat to give you an edge somewhere. Because thats how important this sh!t game is to you.

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Exactly, why would I do that when this game is already easy enough to master and most of the playerbase is bad as hell?

Coping, is it that hard to accept some people are just better?


This festering slime pit everyone has a lockpick up their sleeve somewhere. Stealing victories. No honor amongst thieves in a game like this.

Its the way of the barbarian. Win at any cost. Sacrifice personal respect and dignity for the win? Absolutely. Its why doping exists in Sports.

And using Sports as an example, the top athletes (those with medals) have all came under scrutiny for cheating and doping scandals.

Does this dude even play the game


Iā€™m so glad thereā€™s some kind of activity here. Sucks its still Fire doing stupid bullshit.


Hell no. I mean he DID, Iā€™ve played with him before, but he stopped and has been bitching ever since.

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was he ever any good? I mean for a dude who constantly brags heā€™s the hot shit I would expect him to be at Jason13th or drugstor level. From all the shit he says it makes me think heā€™s lightingUnit potato level.

not to mention heā€™s bragging on BFII, but plays with crossplay off because PC players ā€œhackā€ ā€¦ lmao

bet he still gets his ass cheeks clapped in that game too, if it is even true he plays that

meanwhile console players on warZone clapping PC hackers like nothing and not a single drop of tear

sadly this is a reality, specially in american culture in this generation. ā€œeveryone is specialā€

If everyone is special, then no one is.

they were raised believing they are the best and when confronted with reality (you are not special) they get a stroke and canā€™t process it

I only did a few games with him and some other melons, from what I recall he was above potato level but nothing special. He knew how to aim and shoot, which anyone with half a brain cell can figure out, so he has that at least going for him. The other guys on the team were better.


He could barley fight 3v1 and basically Thunder by himself while me and onskie literally were fucking around, dude then goes to say game takes no skill when he dies and apparently tells everyone heā€™s an elite player until he dies and does the same thing with everyone else and goes to talk about how heā€™s so much better at other games


Your not fooling anybody. The ā€œeliteā€ of this game is cheat haven.

Ffs, people just trying to save face in front of a community they have fooled. If you donā€™t have any cheats installed now, guaranteed you have had them in the past.

You arenā€™t fooling anyone. Guarantee you thread junkies have cheated in the past, and may still be doing so. Not 1 doubt in my mind.

Cheating allows you to gain experience you wouldnt have otherwised gained. Iā€™m talking in game experience, and robs the other guy. Illegitimate wins DO MAKE players more skilled faster, you get to see your mistakes at no penalty and adjust in real time.

Still, again, this game is full of low life cheaters. Fool your little ā€œgroupā€ but stop lying to the public.

This shit is getting so old

You all should also fess up to another truth. You are all HIV positive, and in some cases you all have AIDS, from too much butt s3x.

Admit it, your cheaters and you have AIDS. Tell the truth, you contracted HIV from Philipinno male prostitutes.


Fireā€™s mom

My name is HotBeef and I am part of the Derwittian Space Navy, from the MSN zone.