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Burrito. Chimichanga. Taco. Quesadilla.

You are the biggest loser and douche on this forum. Are you playing Pweeeeeedator Hunting Gwoooounds? Is it such a GOOD GAME kid? Did you get your Monster ready? Redbull?

Are you going to PWN some noobs? Post videos? Make photoshops? 🍼 🍼

Is this game good kid? 🍼 Pretty realistic right? 🍼

Bragging about this game? 🍼 🍼 🍼


OK, I want you to show me on the doll where the predator touched you. No one else has to know, promise.

we all know is you fire. the fact that you even try to hide it makes you even more pathetic than what you already are

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Yes I’m “Fire”, you got me! What was his avatar on the forum? Cactus right?

I am now “Fire”.

No actually you d#mbf#ck, I’m not Fire. I’m a guy who played PHG for a while (and was pretty good at it!), until I found out what a bugged piece of sh!t it was. How losers were coming into my matches exploiting, Predator Invisibility Bug, Fanatic Glitch.

What worse is these losers pretended to be “good” like they had “skill” cheating against me.

This place deserves to be burnt to the ground and shame on illfonic for letting it stagnate then over a year later (we released a patch we love our fans!) bullsh!t they pulled.

BUT whats MORE PATHETIC is the “FANS” like you thinking you are playing a GOLDEN GOOSE when you are just wallowing in pig shit in front of everyone, and then bragging about it.

That makes you exactly what you are, Losers.

Move on, illfonic slapped you around, took a big ol cash grab sh!t on the fanbase, and STILL guess what? YOUR LOSERS ASS IS STILL HERE DOING THIS. YOU ARE PATHETIC.

Cry more

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King Loser


D!ck suckers

let’s see some of that game play…fire

you are the one dude here that claims to have played and never ever someone showed a video or screenshot of you playing

there are 10 year olds in phg that understand the game mechanics better than some of the day1 og potatos


This is truly what’s happening in the game told by Boartholomew Kamy Finkelmeier III

I don’t play this POS game because anyone who claims to be fucking good is likely a PC players and 99% likely a cheater.

Because that’s how cheating works. Whats the best way to pull the biggest SCAM? MAKE PEOPLE THINK YOU ARE A LEGIT PLAYER AND “GOOD”.

Its a POS product and illfonic never banned half the cheating “elite” on this game. Convince the r3tards who will buy your bullshit that you are “just that good”.

Not me, I know this game is full of cheaters and liars. R3tards will believe you, but I know fuckin better.

Still, its a fcking cheesy game anyway, who the fck cares? The only people still playing this are the obsessive twats.

Aston, reminder: Ты ебаный пидарас.

Is there a particular reason you’re so obsessed with samhain? Did he reject your gay ass?

Dude changed his acc name and is trying to prove something.

There, fixed it for you mamabicho

is not aston. is fire. aston never saw a reason to hide and the writing styles are very different.

This dude is 100% Fire. They write the same way. He’s just finally letting loose all the shit he always wanted to say but would out himself as a hypocrite.

He wish he could be me

So obsessive they change their usernames to mine and cheat to try to convince people its me

How much of a jealous loser do you need to be to do that?

I’m not “Fire” FFS. Dude is obsessed. Funny I made that post an immediately 6 replies come in, in under 10 minutes. Afraid your being exposed? Gonna lose your little notoriety in Predator Cheating Gwounds?

Guess I’ll repost so anyone who clicks this thread can view the video. YES, the so called “Elite” in this game is the biggest fuckin computer nerds who devote themselves to cheating and fooling the general public.

I don’t play this POS game because anyone who claims to be fucking good is likely a PC players and 99% likely a cheater.

Because that’s how cheating works. Whats the best way to pull the biggest SCAM? MAKE PEOPLE THINK YOU ARE A LEGIT PLAYER AND “GOOD”.

Its a POS product and illfonic never banned half the cheating “elite” on this game. Convince the r3tards who will buy your bullshit that you are “just that good”.

Not me, I know this game is full of cheaters and liars. R3tards will believe you, but I know fuckin better.

Still, its a fcking cheesy game anyway, who the fck cares? The only people still playing this are the obsessive twats.

Imagine not playing this game and still spending half their lives in this forum, so much they get banned and return, multiple times. And once they got irrelevant have to try and create a new “persona” in order to continue. How sad and empty his life must be.

that guy in the video is aston and nobody on pc community likes him, you are just spreading a lie from a loser