PHG elite championship

Yeah we all knew that 5 posts ago except you, its all good, dw. Go play with a fidget spinner or something man, its ok.

How do you know me so well? 😱

Read something you typed one time

Ah , makes sense

Do more 😌 im curious

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I’m not completely sure you can read tho.

I can read enough to know its spelt “though”

I’m not so sure.

You fool.
You forgot the period!

Lmao xD


Fair enough 👍🏻

who are you “quoting” I’m not sure you use punctuation how you think you use punctuation, I’m not really sure about lots with you, like who the fuck you are and why you started playing a dead game and posting on its forum

Hurr he doesn’t want to join our circle jerk of likes durr
Thats your brain.

An educated guess would have been i was quoting you? Well I have an excuse , I’m dumb . You on the other hand? You are a well educated, hard working and are pretty much superior than myself in everyway. So why are you on the forum of a dead game trying to feel superior to someone like myself? Are you insecure maybe from being around the upper intellectual people?

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A circle jerk? I barely know anyone on here 😁 why can’t you let us inferior retards have fun? The fact you have to refer to yourself as superior , just means you need to jerk yourself in a one man circle . Dont hate on us because we have people willing to do it for us , it just comes across as jealous

What next? Are you going to make fun of me because you can afford a better dentist? Because you can get a new car on finance?


I’ve had an ear infection for about a week, so it may be the lack of sleep speaking but I’m more than happy to switch back to a console, when is this?


Big head mode is dumb

I don’t even like it from a fun perspective

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