PHG Forum Member Interview: MassImpact124 VS BeerWarrior66

I do on occasion play gta though

You got any hobbies? @MassImpact124

I can single handedly balance a cup full of water on my head! I do it as a hobby. I make no money for it. BUt i could!

I draw and play guitars…
Whats your favourite beverage brand? Could be anything.

Einstok is pretty solid, what types of drawings do you like digital or traditional

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You’re from iceland? Have you tried german beer? They have purity brewing laws which basically doesnt allow them to use yeast. So there isn’t a after taste or hang over.
I like digital, i used to be a tradionalist but I figured I’d save lots of money if I practiced dgitall.y

I’ve tried german beers I can get my hands on at a moment’s notice but they’re pretty domestic for the most part, just cause I like Icelandic products doesn’t mean Im from iceland

Also later down the line you might want a shit ton of canvas space with digital vs a $5 sketch book and some nice drafting pencils from Amazon

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Are you any other accounts on the forum asides from Beer Warrior Sexy sex?
I do, it includes many water Melon kidding. I’m none of those other ppl.

I think this wraps up another Interview session!
Thanks Boss!

How do you spell cirrhosis?

cirrhosis - a-v-a-c-a-d-o-s a-r-e-g-o-o-d f-o-r- t-h-e-l-i-v-e-r-. You meat head .

Hello BeerWarrior66,

GG yesterday, it seems it was hard for me and easy for you. Your skills like moving, hold the distance between you and the Predator and change from Gun to knife is awesome!

I had no medkits and had trouble to find Pigs, your Team was dead two times but you hunt my Alien Ass with very low energy by the complete Jungle…

In the last two minutes I found finaly a fucking Pig and I thought i’m still catching you but you run like Usain Bolt, shoot like Sniper and fight with knife like a Samurai… Sadly the time runs out and you survived (or me :)

I had to laugh when you say “Oh you want to fight for last 30 Seconds?” Only your screems I though someone is cuttiing your balls…

whatever, am impressed with your skills. Next time I will be prepared when I see your Name and I hope you drinked many liters of Beer when we fight.

Greeting Terrible-Harman



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@BeerWarrior66 MIKE! [no longer has the brain capacity to form words!]

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Wot in fok