PHG has changed.....

PHG… has changed. It’s no longer about the hunt, honor, or trophies. It’s an endless series of pissing matches , fought by mercenaries and reapers.PhG–and it’s consumption of spare time–has become a well-oiled machine.PHG has changed.PSN-tagged soldiers carry PSN-tagged weapons, use PSN-tagged gear. The meta inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities.Gamer control, information control, emotion control, hunting control…everything is monitored and kept under control.PhG…has changed.The age of honorable hunts has become the age of pissing matches, all in the name of averting drama from weapons of mass destruction, and he who controls the hunt, controls history.PHG…has changed.When the hunt is under total control, PHG becomes routine.


PS strategies are rising. They are getting gud brother.

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Just like F13 this game has been taken over by the same type of people arrogant jelly filled cry babies 😭

I just saw a match where dude was faking a match and claiming they killed a certain person shits ridiculous anymore

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