PHG Revival: Senate’s Take

So, this was completely unexpected.

I’m sure y’all have already seen this, but here it is just in case.

I honestly have pretty low hopes for this. It just seems to be the usual occasional fixes and predator DLC, and them porting to xbox for more players. Given the history of this game’s development, I can see the balance changes and bug fixes being the usual of change one thing, break three others. As far as the pred DLC goes, I think at most we’ll get the rest of the leaked preds and maybe a few more, and possibly throw in a couple weapons reskins.

Now, knowing IllFonic, this is likely a move to bring in more money than anything else. I don’t see anything entirely revolutionary happening with this, and I have doubts as to how long this revival will last. I’d love to be proven wrong though and for IllFonic to really make this a passion project and a love letter to the Predator community.

Idk, I’m not trying to be negative, I’m just trying to be realistic with the history of IllFonic and this game’s development and not get people’s hopes up too high only to be disappointed with the usual.

@IllFonic would any of you be willing or able to comment on if anything will be done different this time around as far as PHG’s development and future?


A respectable take on the situation, and I think all OG’s who know of IllFonics track record have these thoughts in the back of our mind, even myself. I would also love to be proven wrong and they just come out the gates swinging with things we’ve been begging for. However we will all just have to wait till the beginning of April, would be cool if the update was the day they released the game (the anniversary of the game), make up for the times they didn’t celebrate the anniversary of the game.


Yep, I reckon we will just have to wait and see the results before coming to a final conclusion on IllFonic.


Yeah I have to agree, this really does seem almost too good to be true, I really want PHG to come back and be the great Predator game it has the potential to be, however it’s really difficult to be optimistic when we’ve had these exact same conversations so many times, and it has always ended the same.

I just hope for the first time Illfonic finally has learned from their mistakes and fix the game, but I just don’t know that I can truly see that happening.


As Nomad said that seems to be a pretty common sentiment with the OGs and people who have experience with IllFonic. They haven’t exactly made it easy for us to be reasonably hopeful for the games future, but I’d very much like to be wrong in this case.


I very much have a “I’ll believe it when I see it” mentality. Player movement, FT and Pred weapon balance changes? lol ok. Let’s see it. I honestly feel Pred weapons don’t need much tweaking as they are now, but certain FT weapons like the 1101 and SAWZ need to be toned down, 100%. And Pred health increased dramatically across all classes.



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I wonder if they’ll give us accurate states this time or @SkooLBoY_SkePtiK has to dissect once again.

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Hopefully they fix that audio bug on ps5. I can’t hear my predator roar and the music always cuts out.

Pretty sure he’s gonna have to do value testing and all that stuff again, Illfonic loves doing ghost buffs and nerfs.

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That is bug for PC and PS, everywhere, sometimes it accurs. Not just PS.

Think they just need to put him on the fucking payroll at this point.

3 years of back pay too while they’re at it

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@SkooLBoY_SkePtiK is way more transparent compared to IllFonic, especially when it comes to specifically breaking down most DLC’s.

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Cuz they suck

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With the big news going around, I might crank out a few more concepts, and I still have my rework collecting dust in my drive… As fun as the concepts are, I’m not even sure anyone at Illfonic has seen them. I guess we’ll see


Question, did you do one for Feral by any chance? I’d like to see one of him.

I agree with multiple points made here. Maybe this time, since they don’t do the work, 20th century studios will come in and tackle the majority of the issues we have and are aware of, in game.

For sure the primary goal for them would be and should be making the game stable, playable and as much bug free as possible. As first steps at least.

I also have the doubt in mind about their reputation, fear not. I think every “elder” on this forum has it.

So it is 20th Century Studios that’s doing dev work now? This game might actually have a chance.

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I doubt they’ll make those kind of transparent changes. They did mention more balance adjustments, but who knows whether they’ll stand by all these statements.

If… and that’s a big if…, they actually make significant changes, I’ll do some stat checking.


Well, they did say something in that paper that’s 20th century studios. That means Disney? (Since they were bought)

Meaning, they will probably have one of their still existing studios working on the project? Somehow?

They probably purchased the work that Illfonic did so far and they simply want to make it work or money I suppose.