PHG’s Meme Thread!

I appreciate the sentiment but no. You’re getting everything I have in my meme file.
Gimme your toes God is an ass god gulag Gun hmm Hol up holy iron giant

Likewtfisthis listen here you little shit loaf of war M Mama mia Mercy Music No funny No nope Oh pfffHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Pistol Satan send help Shrek Technical difficulties Thermonuclear Trauma Tripping balls Ur mom Well fuck What yO WTF Penguin-you-didnt-see-anything you shall pay you're screwed

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Wait hol up it didn’t select all of em…
._. AmOrFm Babies Beautiful Brain cancer brother Bullshit CallOfDooDoo chainsaw Clown Console cringe death Dense

doubt Ee Enjoy fight Fish frame
There we go, another 22 fine memes for you fine ladies and gentlemen XD


Kass? Is that you?

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The majority of these are lame as hell.
You’ve entered lame levels on the same calibur of @anon89283147


Bruh i dont ever remember gas being ynder 3.50 in chicago

Post some good memes

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Like back in the 90s bro



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Using melee is quieter and conserves ammunition. More efficient in a close quarters ambush when the enemy is unaware of the impending attack.
You did what had to be done.


Ah yes
Lamer than like 3 ‘cyanide and happiness’ memes that you keep reposting lol

And really, nobody can ever enter the levels of lame monsoon has reached. Not even if they tried XD


The reposting, it burns.

I got way more they just dont fit. And fuck you, cause a lot of those are gen z. Thought you hated gen z?

Didnt know you were one of them.
And no buddy, you are now as lame as him.

You gotta redeem your self.

15B9C082F68C F33B24CA1F09 D83CD4FA6ED0 C46F7DF937E8 02D71154B33C FCE1E9863720

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Also the reason I have most of them is because they are more useful in context. For example:

Roses are red, your brain is gone
Due to memes about Thermonuclear

I hate the members of gen z, some of the humor is okay-ish.
But fuck me, that @Revoke guy was something fucking else… XD he literally tried to convince me he was in bomb disposal section of the military, despite the fact that he uses the phrase ‘You’re mid’ as an insult. I was in the military training programme for like 3 days, but I can guarantee you that none of those soon-to-be self-righteous pricks would ever in their right mind say ‘you’re mid’ and expect it to offend somebody lol

So to recap, there’s like a certain degree to which gen z is acceptable. It’s like eating apple seeds, a couple won’t do you any harm but if you butt-chug a kilo of em, you’re dead. And with reguards to memes, most of these are designed to be used only in specific contexts. I’ll prolly get round to dishing them out at some point, but for now I just wanted to force as much trauma down someone’s throat as humanly possible XD

P.S. I can’t be as cringe as monsoon until I’ve made an alt account to ask you for feet pics.

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Lmao it’s funny as hell how badly you dont wanna be as bad as monsoon xD

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What can I say, I don’t mind sex offenders (they make pretty good forum pets) but I’m more of a serial-killer type of guy myself lol

also the guy legit asked for feet pics. That demographic of society is what the Nazis should’ve been exterminating.

Found some old-school C&H cartoons, so HAH! Who’s the zoomer NOW, BITCH?

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Just wait till you find the ones made of real skin and bone