PHG Weapons IRL

So yeah. I made this. Still need to go test it at the range.

Will probably customize an AR later this year to look like the Hammerhead, albeit without the underbarrel, as that shit is expensive and you can’t get grenades legally, lmao. Might do an underbarrel 12 gauge instead.


Now that is beautiful.

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Koo gun how muh you won fo it?

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Not expensive at all bro

Gun and extended mag (10 rounds), including shipping and FFL transfer dent me around $490
Red dot and mount around $50

Had a hard time finding this one, but this I believe, is the closest thing I found to the Hammerhead stock


Ugh I wish I had gun money. I’m hoping daddy Trump comes through with the overtime tax elimination so I can start actually taking OT cash home. I’ve got the books and the know how. I just don’t have the money😭


Ok Update on this guys

While the 1911 looks dope like in the game, that shit doesn’t work IRL. The mount keeps coming loose, even when tighten heavily and secured with loctite. This shit is designed for airsoft and bb guns. It looks cool though.

Same shit goes for extended magazines. A 45 ACP 15 round magazine actually looks like this:

I believe the developers actually used Airsoft models for the extended magazine as well, as a 14 round magazine does not exist for a 1911. Only available sizes are 7, 8, 10 and 15. 28 and 40 round magazines are available as drum mags.

Magazines over 10 rounds are also very prone to feeding problems causing jams constantly.