Coffee, I’m not mad at you so please don’t take it that way. You’re doing the same thing other people do and equating the Recon and the Scout. They are not the same and I’d appreciate if you considered what I have to say, here picture them like this…
The Scout is the point man at the front, the Assault (or a Dutch) is the second guy in the line, the Support is the third, less maneuverable than the Assault or the Scout and last is the Recon (Sniper).
The Scout is the guy checking the ground and the path, the Recon is the guy looking at the distance through a Scope. Between them they keep the team from walking into danger whether that be the Scout spotting a trap of the Recon seeing the glint of a scope in an elevated position. Scouts should not be running Snipers.
In the real world Snipers work in teams of 2, a spotter and a shooter. I don’t think the scout was meant to be the spotter as there’s no mechanics for it. The Recon has the perk Tracking (which is spotting), so it’s as if they just made two jobs into one job, which is pretty normal in video games.
I don’t think we need to restrict weapons to specific classes and I am totally against being forced to run a sniper on a Scout. I’d much rather be able to equip a secondary weapon into the primary slot.