Plasma Caster aiming issues...

how about now

Nah its literally with one less E… XD some guy stole my actual name…

oh lol then wtf! haha


XD… whats up with private match not being able to be set up with one party member… hmm

btw look at this video. its one of Fenris’. So at 8:35 you will notice he aims the plasma caster and the animation does not play. he is just using the 87 mask.

Do test out multiple masks… im curious if only 87’ mask is bugged out… i tried only 87’ mask on my zerker build and scout… they all bugged out in match with real people… but worked in tutorial and private

you are right in a public match the crosshair zoom doesnt work.

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I knew it! … welp now we wait for the devs to acknowledge it and fix it in next patch… It did work before the patch for me tho… so it deff is connected to the plasma caster changes they did…

also confirmed with default mask it is bugged

so to wrap up this thread for patch 1.06 the plasma caster triangular crosshair animation does not zoom in in public matches probably on all masks. definitely default and 87 mask were tested. the perks dont seem to make a difference or anything. private matches it works as it should but not in public!

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Reviving the topic again once more just for the devs to see it… hint hint bleh…