Plasma Caster follows camera 360 degrees

Seems unrealistic for the gun to be allowed to point in the opposite direction the predator is facing since there is no target locking mechanism. I know in Predator 2 the cannon shot behind him but his target was locked on if front of him prior to firing.

Might consider a rotation constraint on the bone of the gun? Or a quaternion clamp in Unreal?

Wouldn’t want to go blowin my own head off! xD

Love the game! Awesome work!


Playing on PC.
Radeon RX 580 8GB
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 6core

they desperately need to work on optimization lol, once they do it’ll be awesome

I do believe the reason we haven’t gotten a new update yet, is because they are working their asses off right now. I cannot imagine a single developer being content with the feedback they are getting. This is their baby, they want to take care of it.

Let’s double cross our vingers that the next patch fixes more than it breaks.